samedi 6 janvier 2018

Letter of insults to society and my parents

If you are able to understand the following, then you have already spent (wasted) more than 20% (at twenty percent you are still not socially emancipated), so 20% of your life on the planet (if all goes pass according to your expectations). To do what? For what do you live and especially for whom do you live?

And if just like me you have a very strong desire to give a piece of your mind to the human society as a whole, this is something that we must not fail to realize before leaving this den of swindlers, called Earth, who are still your associates for a very short time. Enjoy your rusty vertebrae, your lack of sleep, your short nights, your brain still valiant to compose a beautiful ode to revenge.

First of all, what reasons did anyone give you for the making of your existence? These are “your” reasons for existence, not “their” personal reasons. If they gave you reasons for your existence then they are great storytellers and you are (were) great naive. If just like me you did not question your parents, it's probably because you were born into a dictatorial patriarchal system in which your brain was totally saturated with the surrounding culture. But no education can avoid the neutral functionalities that allow getting out of this infantile restraint. So I had plenty of luck unlike the majority of the members of my family, but it's very difficult to get out because the cultural impregnation is large, almost total.

Feel free to yell sharply at society, this is perfectly your right, because she is complicit in the crime of manufacturing your existence (multiple crimes according to its own laws and this is the funniest). You are very kind not to have done it earlier or in any other way than verbal. Remember that they forced you to exist for their service, and certainly not for yours. You owe them nothing, absolutely nothing, definitely nothing, but they owe you everything (as a boastful human of course, but the animals do stupidly reproduce themselves).

I understand why an individual wants to continue to exist, that is to say, to continue the existence that has been inflicted, imposed, given (choose the verb that suits you), but I do not understand why an intelligent being wants to force another person, his equal, to exist, especially since he does not control at all the manufacture of this person and that he will install it in the cradle-trash-Earth. And yet I exist, and some imagine that I should shut up at risk of reborn in worse than human. How could it be worse?

If you have imagined that your parents are kind and that the society is there to help you, well I will make you change your mind.

Parents! Can you claim to love the child you put in a trash can by playing Russian roulette on his head to make a gift to yourself?

What trash? But, Earth, of course! Open your eyes !

For Russian roulette, it's below:

Why blame his parents and society? For example to be born seriously disabled without being able to lead a "normal" life, without being able to run or walk, without being able to be educated properly. Because quadriplegia has killed the life of my dreams that is not going according to plan. To be seriously ill from birth, or to have caught something irreparable later that medicine can not cure. To have cancer, sclerosis, heart weakness, parkinsonism, to get alzheimer's. To have fragile bones, weak muscles, defective organs, light brain.

To be unemployed, have a shitty job, because you have a crappy IQ or bad luck. To be homeless, to do the hobo. Because famine reigns in the country, in the desert, in the icy north, in the Sahel. For having suffered terrorism and being a direct or indirect victim. To live in a nation at war, for being bombed by an enemy country or friend who would have decimated my family and lightened me with both legs. To be a child beggar, a child slave, a child miner, a child prostitute. To be a lonely old man, bedridden, embittered, unhappy. To feel and painfully see death coming in pain without being able to do anything about it.

To be… but I think that's enough to blame society, all human societies in all places and all times. Only the fact that all this can exist, that the military and the cops exist, that the rulers exist, that the civil servants exist, that the employers exist, that the extreme wealth coexists with the extreme poverty, and that the medicine exists, as well as that the hospitals and the NGOs, that the migrants of the survival exist, that meals on wheels need to exist, that the stupid religions exist to try to appease us whereas we would not need to be appeased if we did not exist, and that one dared to launch the manufacture of my existence, of a conscious and sensible existence of any kind, in such a permanent global pestilential bath, disgusts me to the highest degree.

Have you started my fabrication so that I can use myself before I exist or that my life experiences serve to decorate my tomb? Have you made a fool incapable of understanding the absurdity of existence? Lack of luck, for me, I managed to escape by chance from the blessed animal idiocy, general ambient cretinism that is the currency of the vast majority of autistics that are almost all humans specialized in their own social cog and proud to be. But I'm not Pangloss nor Candide. My pleasure garden, my vegetable garden, my barnyard, my playground, it is the Earth in its totality. You trash it, that garden in which you swung me by force. It is unbearable. I have the right to sack this garden, even more, I have the right to avenge myself on the pushers and their accomplices, but I have never done it. Why? I do not know. I probably have something else to do…

Society! A society that commands, orders, directs, and threatens is not a society of equal associates, but a dictatorship of profiteering oligarchs. A society that authorizes the manufacture of handicapped people, probably considering them as collateral damage, is a filthy rot. A society that does not foresee the installation of its own associates before (I specify, "before") the launch of their manufacture is improvident therefore stupid, or be yanking the chain of his fellow citizens. Who do you think we are, you the leaders, are we French idiots? How does that make you feel, mister patriots, to enrich French genetics with our genes of morons? Do not you feel like spitting in the wind?

If we are a society, as the French Constitution says thirty times, how can one be forcibly associated when the law forbids it? Once associated what word do I have to say about this society? When everyone can add an associate without the consent of any of the other associates, including the new partner made to serve, how can we call it a society? A society of slaves of slaves will never be a democracy. But what do I have to do with a democracy or this type of government? Did I ask you to be ruled before I existed? As long as the world needs to be governed, do not have children. A slave who claims liberty, but who manufactures a slave is of huge stupidity, it is not surprising that humanity lives in a permanent war of slaves against other slaves.

Nowadays they throw babies from 3 years old in nurseries to rid parents of this job monitoring and wiping ass, and to already socialize the brat who did not ask to live or to be educated. It's the school of life, the process of learning to work begins. Because you were made to take a social role. The society takes charge of the baby who will soon become responsible to exist (unfathomable mystery of the social scheming). You will be a cog you want it or not. Whether you are social, asocial, or antisocial, you are a cog.

In fact, you do not want anything at birth. Your brain is totally ignorant of knowledge. If your educators know how to do it, they will get you excited about the life you are going to lead. See how beautiful the world is! As they hide the ugliest from you, obviously that it looks beautiful, and since they tell you and put it in your brain white and soft, the idea of the beauty of the world will germinate, or should germinate without too much of difficulty. Are not your teachers good? By comparison, they show you the worst examples on the other side of the world. Imagine, they tell you, if you were living there what they do to children. There are always wolves and ogres away from dad's mom's house.

But did you ask to exist in this or that condition, in this or that place, at such or such time, in the midst of such stupid idiots? Is it up to the existing ones to choose the conditions for a good life? It's me who decides for me the beautiful, the well, the good, the right, for me. Who is responsible for making me? Is it me? Who is responsible for stuffing my brain, virgin at birth, with bullshit? Is it me?

The society authorized my manufacture. She is responsible for my existence and the conditions of my existence. Does she feel responsible? No, she claims you are free, but does everything to regiment you. She is strong for that. It is practical this method to Pontius Pilate. Now that she seems to have educated you with all the attention she cannot. Go out and make a living. "Make a living". What do you mean? It's my life? But it was you who inflicted on me, you society and parents, a bunch of degenerates! Why should I win my life? Have you not foreseen a wonderful life for my beautiful eyes since you seem so happy to have given birth to me?

Summary: I am born to serve those who already exist, because procreation is only useful to those who already exist. They tell me, when I am able to understand, with their method of understanding which they have slathered my brain without certainty of success, that I am a free man (woman). Since I am free, according to their own law, they exonerate themselves from watching over my welfare and giving it to me. I must do my wellbeing myself. (Remember that I did not ask to exist, no more with this stuffed egg head by their care than with this body of maggot they gave me by chance.)

As I have not other way of living, I have to look for and find work at the lowest rate in a country where unemployment is permanent, it's called slavery by masked coercion and social dumping of which you are just the turkey stuffing. I have to rub elbows and crush feet to climb the social ladder, that is to say, to enrich myself better, so to impoverish others bears on the other side of the world, and especially to enrich the country since I am taxed as soon as I earn some money and even when I spend the same money already taxed. It's not money that's taxed, it's my social gestures. I still have not asked to exist.

Thanks to this hard-earned and taxed money, I visit the world as everyone “civilized” can do while the other hungry world watching me visit, with envy. Then I reach the berezina, the retirement succeeds me, but I am still slave of my body and the means of transport and the societal limits, this body which they granted me shamelessly and which decrepit without the possibility to stop this dieback. I learned death by myself, no one had warned me of this final opening to nothingness by painful decomposition. Decrepitude no more asked than existence, but hardly begun that it is already finished as the poet says so well.

Next time (rebirth or metempsychosis), I would be President if you're still here and always so stupid, so I would have the index on the nuclear button ready to disperse your nonsense in a new sun.

My brain belongs to me, you say, but I was born as you made me, and like a white paper (white or not it would not change anything because I owe you my manufacture and my education in your culture), so where do these insults come from, that I slip into your ear? It's easy to understand, I'm insulting you because you're asking me to insult you, if not how to understand this mechanism of generating insults that you put yourself in my brain-automaton and my parched mouth to finish in your vented ears? What should we deduce? Well, you want to change, but you can not. So you claim auto-flagellation by your own associates ... I do not see any other explanation.

As this is a definitive farewell letter, I say to you: "See you never!" And stop this nightmare, bunch of freaks.

And finally, to imitate Captain Haddock's swearwords: poorly frozen tintinophile summaries, hydrocephalic extract slugs, plucked cannibals, capon concentrates, plastered with centipede fat, butors' faces, guano sellers, mischief generators, muddy worms, ben-ladens carnival, grunts of Papuans Breton and Corsican at a time, parakeets plucked, subdivisions of ectoplasm, traffickers of fresh flesh, false counterfeit dollars, cucurbitaceous epic fat pork, species badly combed astrachan, four-legged d'artagnans, extraterrestrial Zouaves, ectoplasms on skateboard, mice of pumpkin extracts, dishwasher juice, poorly-carpeted carp, Islamic state patches, vampires of your daughter's fat, wash-shed pirates, poorly stuffed rhinolophic species, corpse of sewers…

One more word, you are so abruptly stupid that you have not even realized that you have no free will, hence your impossibility of finding the solution, however so simple, to all your gigantic problems. It's to die of laughter ...

End - E. Berlherm

(I also recommend the following subject: “Why do I have the right to joke religion?”

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