mardi 2 janvier 2018

Responsible or Aresponsible

Responsibility is a concept that did not exist originally in the animals we are. There is no responsibility to exist. Things are what they are by simple mechanism, the same goes for us. The universe exists without being responsible for it. The universe works as well as all its constituents of which we are part. Now we have invented the totally artificial concept of responsibility that makes no sense since our existence has been imposed on us.

With this existence, have been imposed on us our bodily capacities thus our means of action, and our intellectual capacities thus our means of control over our actions. Since they have been imposed on us, we therefore have no control over our means of control. How to be responsible for anything when there is no control over anything of our existence and our constituents, and no more of our environment?

What are your rights and duties since you have been forced to exist? Are you responsible for existing yourself and your bodily and intellectual imperfections? Since we are all associates, are not we all responsible for everyone's existence and everyone's education? How can I accuse someone of whom I am co-responsible for existence, co-responsible for his (supposed) qualities, but above all, for his (obvious) flaws, and co-responsible for the world in which I take part and in which I integrate him? If responsibility exists, it should be general.

Can we be subject to rules that we have not accepted, while social rules prohibit this constraint? Why is the initiation of our existence not subject to the rule of prohibition of the constraint of association, which is a law enacted in all human societies? How can I be responsible for my actions in your association, the Humane Society, when you have included me under duress? Not to mention the educational mental manipulations, and the constant coercion of your system on the intellect of humans who are born yet virgins of all cultural knowledge which also makes them innocent (not responsible) of the content of their intellects and thus for past acts, present, and future.

Responsible or Aresponsible: Responsible would mean responsible to exist as we are and where we are and have free will. Aresponsible is different from irresponsible who presumes that responsibility may exist. With the prefix "a" privative, it means that we are born and remain without any responsibility because existence is imposed in all cases.

The existence of things and beings is always without responsibility. The universe is not responsible for existing, and all that constitutes is also without responsibility. (And if a god were to be eternal he would not be more responsible for existing, which would disqualify him as a god.) We, humans, are components of the universe, we are just like it without responsibility to exist and therefore to all our actions. Every living being has no responsibility whatsoever since it exists because of a natural mechanism that has engendered it. For the first living beings, it was the universe that engendered them. For the following, it was in different ways, but among others, and in our case the procreation launched by our two parents, themselves not responsible for their existences.

Can we become responsible despite the aresponsibility (lack of responsibility) of our existence, of all forms of existence? It will be necessary to explain to me how this can be possible, even by inventing a so-called free will. My brain, therefore the processing of information, was imposed on me as well as the information itself. I was born virgins of all cultural knowledge and meanings. Everything was imposed on me. How can I become responsible for my own actions since what makes and directs my actions has been imposed on me? I'm no more responsible for the container that works alone, that content that installs itself. "I" am both at the same time, containing and content, and nothing else (I think of the soul of which besides I would not be more responsible for the existence, nor of its operation and its control of the body).

If there were to be a responsible, it should be the precedent and not the next, the cause not the effect, that is, the manufacturer and not the fabricated, the parent and not the child. And in the context of society, the latter being the power managing all individuals, thousands of years old, the mother of individuals, her responsibility should take precedence over all others. But, as we have seen, the existence of anything is without any responsibility, and therefore that of society as well.

How can a parent blame his child? How can the society which is for the older a sum of parents not understand this principle of innocence of all the children that we are? How could she invent the responsibility knowing herself not responsible for existing?

What does one gain by having invented responsibility? What are we losing?

How and why invent responsibility in an "aresponsible" universe? Can we invent an artificial responsibility? Is it possible whereas that everyone exists as he is and without his consent? My brain weighs a kilo and a few, would not I be more "responsible" if he weighed a few more pounds? I did not ask for its size, mechanisms, structure or functionality. How could I be responsible without having mastered the fabrication of myself, the way in which the information that my body will collect about the world will be processed and analyzed, in a world that I did not desire? How to be responsible for my actions when I did not ask for my muscular strengths, my weaknesses, my fragility, or yours? How can I master my brain, this thing that you say commands my activities, while neither you nor I know how it works, and of which I am not aware of the activity?

When will I become responsible to exist, then of my body and then of my own education, and then of actions produced by this set that I do not control? How can I master my body when each cell that composes me is an automaton absolutely ignorant of my existence? How can I master education, that is to say, the writing in the white paper that was my brain at birth while it works by itself, and that I put myself in front of the things to be acquired without that I master anything, no more my educators? I do not master the book, the fact that it is a kind of book, nor its structure, nor the way knowledge and meanings are written, and no more my educators.

When we are babies, the opening of the eyes and senses allows the gathering of information that is based on our placement in the world, according to the location and time where we live. These senses, we have not asked for, and not all people are equitably endowed, as well as the brain's ability to process the perceived signals. When do we become responsible for this mental and educational bric-a-brac made no matter how and still not at our request?

If you have emotions, impulses and desires, animal instincts, this is part of the bodily package given with your constrained existence. If society asks you to control your emotions, your impulses, desires, and instincts, is it not up to your educators to install the control systems of these emotions, impulses, desires, and instincts? Is it not up to her to verify that these control systems are perfectly installed, that they work optimally? In what way would you be responsible for everything when everything was imposed on you, and even the invention of responsibility and all the social culture that surrounds it? No, of course!

Can we be responsible for our own education, therefore the need for education, the mental mechanisms of learning, the technique of educators, the technique of memorizing of our brain, our memory capacities, our "intelligence" and IQ, the general functioning of the thought, the pre-existing functionalities, the functionalities acquired through existing functionalities? No, of course!

How, the animals that we are, have we invented responsibility, that of others and of oneself? To invent the responsibility of the other one must first invent intellectual equality, equality of understanding or at least to suppose him a capacity of sufficient understanding. To feel responsible for one's own actions, one must have been educated in this way.

Why did society invent this notion? This is undoubtedly a complex path. It must have started with the parent's animal reaction to his child's misunderstanding. Why does this child not understand when it seems very simple to the adult? They went from coerced education to punishment. Then they use the exemplary punishment of one to educate the other. This is the system of decimation. It seems more practical to eliminate the troublemaker than to look for where the problem is coming from. But the example of punishment is not justice because it is not egalitarian, and it is not good education because it does not correct the mistakes of educators and not those of evil educated, who are not responsible to exist, nor of their education, nor of their need to be educated.

Why, individually, do we feel responsible? Because it is an acquired "software" (remember that we are all born virgins of all cultural knowledge and meanings). We are educated to take responsibility from our very early childhood without ever being alluded to the fact that we have been forced to exist and that we are not responsible for anything. Few people in their lifetime make the remark that they have been forced to exist. The builders who are our parents and the educators discard their mistakes on the individuals they manufacture and educate. The adult who does not understand the functioning of the child imputes to him his erroneous actions. It is easy and convenient, but it is not profitable and even less ethical or moral.

If it were only a question of "disconnecting" a human being because its functioning disturbs the social workings, morality would not be too bad, but it is about suffering, mental and physical torture (potential gracefully attributed to the construction), that is inflicted on a person that society makes guilty while this society is responsible for its existence and its defects, even more today than yesterday because almost everything is controllable.

But is there not a confusion between two types of responsibilities? A responsibility to look after one's own body so that one can live better and independently, which can be learned just like any animal with a somewhat complex nervous system, and a responsibility to exist as we are with our functioning, which cannot be imputed to us.

The first is not really a responsibility, it is only capacities to acquire, to become autonomous, on the basis of the built features of birth. At your majority, you are released in nature, in society, with the social agreement since it is she, the society, that decided the age of the majority. Are you responsible for that, for your existence, for your growth, for this imperfect learning system in your imperfect mentality, whereas there are machines with immediate and perfectly controllable learning systems? Why were we made idiots at birth with the need to learn in a very limited world?

For the second, the impossibility of being responsible for existing leads to the lack of responsibility for our actions. Otherwise, the fact of having forced me to exist becomes a responsibility which must fall on my parents and their associates who have authorized my existence, since this launching is a voluntary, controlled and socially controllable act.

Which should be anyway since the act of procreation is supposed to be the most important of humanity. Are you punished by society if you make a handicapped child or with a defective gene? Will your child file a complaint against his procreators? Is he entitled to have lawyers to complain about the sentence he was given without reason?

Based on our ancient, unverbalized animal behavior, humans have invented a verbal culture that is more or less related to actual facts. Our culture has evolved and is still evolving. Its evolution can only fit more and more with reality as we understand this reality. But how long will it take for society as a whole to succeed when we cannot even get rid of the belief (the mental function of belief), and no longer manage the populating of the planet and the immense suffering of the people?

You might be angry with me for revealing a truth you would not have known, but how can I know it before revealing it to you? You could tell me that now that you've told me that you do not want this truth, I have to remove it from the web, but how would your opinion be better than mine and those of others who did not yet read this information and who have the same right as me to know the truth about everything?

Can we remove the notion of responsibility, and therefore accept the reality? The truth being better and better, it seems to me quite necessary. Truth cannot refuse. The universe is "Aresponsible", just like us. We exist, therefore without responsibility throughout this imposed existence.

As long as existence is imposed, the notion of responsibility must be removed. We cannot blame people for their actions. It sounds strange because our mental software finds this idea disturbing, but yet… it's time to change the software, our human world goes wrong.

End – E. Berlherm

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