We all know that our laws are artificial, that is, they are made by men to manage men. But there are also natural laws that are what the body commands us. These are for the most obvious, breathe, drink, eat, defecate, sleep and I would add our weak muscular and intellectual abilities compared to… who you want much better than yourself in the animal or imaginary kingdom.
What is the reason for a social law? It is simple, it means that it is not natural to do what the law commands you, otherwise, it would not be necessary. For example, as the monarch of the Little Prince would say, “I order you to breathe”. We must, therefore, restrain the recalcitrant. Governors like bridling, that's the only way they have to show their power. Example of a stupid law, “I order you to get up and go to bed when I decide, it's me who orders.” This is the law of time change that serves no purpose but to show the power of the ruler over the whole common people. This is the only law that involves everyone without anybody escaping it.
Suppose you make a child freely, disabled or not you and him, orphaned or not you and him (to be disabled or orphan and to make a child is quite aberrant, rather filthy that is to say an unspeakable crummy because you know it can happen to him and it does not seem to worry you at all.) So you make him with full knowledge of the cause and effect on the poor rug rat with the tacit endorsement of your fellow citizens. You inflict existence on your child, who is a person just like you, as well as the commands of Nature. (If you do not mind giving orders, it implies that you accept the orders, yet I hear that you do not like them very much.) These orders are your orders since the procreation of your child is voluntary and that you hope that the little one will be as perfect as possible… after having looked at you in a mirror, excluding the common accidents that arise in life unexpectedly. Your child has not yet come out of his mother's womb, you perhaps, you give him orders (maybe you have not died), starting with the one to exist. The child will then spend his first 18 years undergoing your other orders and learning social laws before being released as a full partner in the culture broth. I hope you have not missed anywhere. Eighteen years is a lot, and it is also proof that it is very complicated to insert a person in the world since it takes almost a quarter of his life (of the richest Westerners otherwise it will be 1/3 or 1/2 or less) to teach him the basics. As for me, I still have not understood anything about the society that refuses to understand what a human being is, where I do not see any difficulty! I remind you that this person did not apply to exist, just like you, which did not give you the authorization to inflict the same sentence, at worst or at best you could have "avenge" on your spawners. Slaves of slaves of slaves of slaves of etc, so are we.
For the moment I do not see when your child could have acquired the guilt of any of his actions, even if this action does not enchant you and contravenes the social laws. In my humble opinion, if the Frankenstein and Co., that you are, have screwed up in the manufacture or education of the kid, the blame comes back to you. Personally, I granted you, this blame, as soon as you have expressed the desire to copulate to give birth to ... nobody knows what in advance. Well, as an animal that we all are, I forgive you, and as a quasi-human fellow slave, I totally disapprove of you, because you did not even ask my assent that I would not have granted you anyway, life being too dangerous and especially absurd to be lived. Let's move.
Today the French child does not undergo military service, which was my case. Miner until 21 years old, so I was a child soldier. They taught me to accept violent death and to give it without remorse. I was a sheep service slave apprentice killer of opposing sheep. Well, there are opponents in the game of life! Nice, happy to hear it! The world where you swung me is not healthy? And you say that you love me? At the time I was an unconscious domestic sheep, formatted for obedience, they could make me accept anything. My parents were perfect fellow citizens manufacturers of sheep slaves for assembly work, baby boom! In return for the nuclear boom of Hiroshima / Nagasaki and the shelling of Dresden, deafening the dead shredded themselves. Within two months, I was going to Chad to participate in the surveillance of these bandits of Africans always ready to fight with the good colonizers (GC). Sixteen months of maximum disaster as Murphy's law would say, one more. Am I guilty of something? Have I acquired the potential of guilt that cancels my innocence from existing as I am at parental and social demand, parents and societies unable to control what they do? I do not have that impression of it.
Let's find further into where this guilt of existing that transcends the innocence of existing can hide.
Do you know that they made you with a sex these idiots? It's serious, sex, looks lower, between your legs, it opens or it is brandished, it is according to. It's so serious that there are plenty of laws on the subject. There are even plenty of movies in the law and outlaw. Yet, this thing, the parents do not speak to you about it, or hardly, they do not dare, whereas it was necessary that they practiced diligently to force you to exist. It's more serious than food, sex, it's more serious for others, but they talk to you about 3-star food all day long and never libido, never copulation, never intromission, never orgasm, never an erection, never a chronic blood disease. You will learn the thing by surprise, a cudgel stood up, blood dripping. Are you guilty somewhere of owning existence and those underbelly orders, no more desired than life itself? Have you learned well or poorly how to control your urges? Are you guilty of your hormones, to have hormones? I still do not see where sexuality could make me more guilty than elsewhere.
But how do your educators teach you? By what clever way do they scribble in your brain the messages of their laws? Know first that the mass of neurons sizzling between your ears you got it with everything else, and without any guarantee from the manufacturer, that is to say, Mom helped, very little, by Dad. You are not responsible. It is here that most of our humanity is happening. At first it's like a white dictionary without anything written in it, without any definition, without any knowledge, without any meaning, because the brain will be a dictionary that will give you all information, meaning, and body control, then also dreams and all that, hallucinations, beliefs, and all the rest. But it's supposed to become a sort of dictionary, or rather a sloppy unsigned encyclopedia. Your educators like yourself do not write anything in this book, it manages itself. Your eyes are open, click like cameras, it records you do not know what or where or how. Your ears, microphones, they are always on the alert, otherwise, it is necessary to put earplugs to close them, but it works anyway. As for the eyes, the brain is activated continuously, we do not know what it does, but in general, it manages, and dad mom are happy with you when you repeat "parallelepiped" without fault or "mom" it's easier. They act as if you were the operator of your own brain. You will quickly become a genius when you are not autistic. For thousands of words, millions of actions, everything happens in the same way, and it's all the more of the kludge, that there are things registered without you being guilty of it. You're still not responsible for existing, are you? So why would you be guilty of an action committed by something that works by itself and you have not made, that is to say, yourself in flesh and blood?
And yet, watch out for punishments. You did not ask to exist, but the wallops can succeed one another, the bullying, the privations of dessert, the jail, the prison, Cayenne, nowadays it's the confiscated laptop or the console, the pocket money deleted. They are strong, parents, to make you feel guilty while you are for nothing in this game of life, this stupid board game. But since one made them the same thing, they repeat stupidly, it's normal. Who will break the chain of stupidities? Me me me me ME, meeeh …
The parents taught you the punitive system. He is well anchored in you, and you believe that it is right, that your conduct must be deserving, without fault. The society then takes the relay of the punishments. She is complicit in the crime of making your existence, but she will never punish herself for making and educating mistakes. Because she also educates without knowing how and punishes you that you do not know more than she on "how could you have messed around whereas they are so good with you to take care of you?" Society teaches you to say "I" and to take responsibility for this body that has the label "I" (the name that society has given you), while the thing works alone. All the cells that make up you, the billions and the others, are all automata that have no idea of your existence, they work for themselves, as selfishly as every living system on the planet and elsewhere. But you are the result of the activities of these cells and the rest. And all that has been imposed on you at the beginning of the making of your existence by the happy copulation of your parents, by the division (the multiplication) of a fertilized ovum. Are you responsible for this debonair ovum, this lively and muscular sperm that is making its way through the membrane? When do you become responsible to exist? When does your education take precedence over your innocence to exist? At what point does the "software" that your educators have tried to install in you become your responsibility to be what it is? Yes, you are all that, that body and that intellect, but it's not your fault. And when you say "I", it's the mental thing, the acquired software, that activates your imposed mouth and makes you say "I". And it's it, my own mental black box, that makes me write all these words, and I still do not know why I got there…
Is there a law that we would be known before our birth that proclaims that a new existence must respect laws that it would not have signed before existing?
You are guilty of nothing since you are not responsible for existing nor for existing as you are. The innocence of existence encompasses all of your existence from beginning to end, which mechanically encompasses the universe, itself innocent to be.
We are guilty when we derogate from social laws. Yet we are innocent when laws are illegitimate. All legal culprits are locked up illegitimately because we are all innocent to exist.
Innocent or guilty? The juror, I am, affirms our innocence.
End - E. Berlherm
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