lundi 4 décembre 2017

Child labor

 (Based on the article on "Child begging", if you have read it please be aware that this is only an adaptation to child labor, see also "Children's rights".)

Today, 168 million children are victims of exploitation (source UNICEF). 168 million children who suffer the mental penury of their parents and of the society that wanted them and hosted them because they need slaves.

The following text could be used for any act of child abuse. To send an underage child to earn a living is an act of ill-treatment, worse if he does it to feed his family. Letting him work is an act of ill-treatment. Watching him work without acting and turning his head is criminal complicity.

Nations and their leaders who let their children work, or even worse who send them to the coal mine or the landfill, any children, no matter where they come from, are accomplices, and therefore are criminals.

To procreate, that is, to make a child, is to invite him to Earth, is it to make him a social slave before the hour and unconscious of being a slave? Is this how we welcome a guest that we have desired? Is this how we treat this guest who has no other way to leave our planet than to die?

Has this innocent child been brought to the world so that he must work daily to buy his food to maintain and build his body? Living just to survive, but what's the point? Is that what you intend for yourself? A life without interest!

Have you made it come out of nothingness, your child, to suffer, or to see you suffer? If you plan to suffer during your life, and you will suffer for sure, then why impose the vision of this suffering on your future child while you are going to do everything so he  loves you. Do you think it's easier to suffer with him than alone, Madam?

Many people will suffer around you and in the world during the life of your child, do you think that you need to make additional eyes to admire this suffering, to admire the human misery? Are you masochist and sadistic at the same time?

To build a child is to invite him to our planet, we are the hosts of this child, who is also a person, as we ourselves are guests of our ancestors and on this planet. Is it not better to prevent than to heal? And once you have made a person who is suffering or has been given a stupid life, how can you undo what you do not want to do if you are a parent who plans to love your child?

Because we are human people, aren't we, thinking, conscious, sensitive; and we possess the capacities of analysis and foresight. So before you start building a child in the female uterus, your uterus, Madam, the fragile uterus of your wife, so fragile a woman, this fabrication so dangerous for the fragile and sensitive child that you desire, which is the most important act for every human being, why not take the time to think before?

But it is so nice to make love… that we forget the pain and death that we will impose on an innocent person even more innocent than ourselves.

Here is what I'm able to predict to what can happen to a child who would be put into this world:

He may be born seriously disabled or become disabled, he can quickly become an orphan, his parents may lose the means to live properly or become disabled themselves, he may be born in the middle of a war or suffer terrorism, nature can become violent with earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, fires, the society that houses it can become a dictatorship, and many other sneaky calamities like old and new epidemics (see the WHO website).

Imagine that you are making yourself, disabled, insane, or other physical or mental abnormalities to come. You would do it? Would you start your own manufacturing knowing all these risks?

More than 350,000 babies are born each day, thousands of them will be disabled immediately or in their lifetime, that's absolutely certain. The builders you are, ladies, are extremely incompetent, you must recognize it. You just read this, my predictions have become yours.

To make a child by knowing all that, and you knew it before I told you about it since you are a human being, so planning like me, so to make a child is to commit a criminal act by recklessness according to our laws, our own written laws and our moral laws. If on top of that it is to have to put your child to forced labor as soon as he is able to walk and use his hands, to get rid of it because he is embarrassing you, so why make it?

Would you have wanted to be treated this way yourself? All this was predictable. Is it the only desire for sex that made you lacking in foresight Madam? I specify, Madam, because your body belongs to you, it is not a field to plow nor a playground belonging to breeding males. You are mistress of your body.

If responsibility exists, and according to you it exists, then you are responsible as an individual for what enters your body (a penis) and what comes out of it (a child, my partner, our partner to everyone).

A child is only made for the own service of the manufacturer, and certainly not that of the child. Procreate is a totally selfish service that one gives to oneself. There is no worse danger than to exist. And it is useless to go from the state of non-existence to that of being alive. We do not win anything to exist.

My incredible adventures of being alive will not brighten my bones in the grave or my ashes if I am cremated. How will a child to forced labor, almost slave, go to thank his parents for living a life a thousand times more absurd than mine? What is the use of offering him as a welcome gift on the planet the difficulty of living? Work to subsist. Work to survive.

Food is as necessary as the air your child breathes. Why did you build it with a stomach if it is not to offer him its food as a guest of the Earth? Why did you just invite him? Is not this a warm invitation, a friendly invitation? Have not you planned to show him how beautiful life is on the planet? Have you not planned to love the one you put before the fait accompli of existence?

The children are placed before the accomplished fact of existence, as you have been, did you do it in your turn, your child, to avenge yourself or by a mere animal need of reproduction? Have you made your child to sweat blood to survive from an early age, and besides, regardless of his age?

To make children to enliven one's life is stupid and absurd. It's an abject vicious circle.

We are nearly 8 billion inhabitants on the planet, our species is not on the list of species in danger of extinction except by our warrior stupidity. You know, madam, that men are violent, are not they? Must you add an extra warrior to the men's army to defend you from the army of other men?

To make children by mistake, or by violating, is not human, it is animal. Abort! A life does not deserve to be inflicted or lived in a world of rapists and idiots.

To make children for the sustainability of the species is stupid since you do not even know what a species is, and did you look at yourself in a mirror? Do you see anything other than a maggot? Moreover, a "species" is perennial with only ten thousand individuals who would be happy to know each other and to know that nobody lacks anything from birth.

Whereas at ten billion it is rather war after war after war, since time immemorial. And they are children at work who did not ask to exist, let alone to live fooled by you the mothers.

To make children for society is even more absurd, as society is not a thinking being. And individuals associate, that is, form a society, to protect themselves from another society. What stupidity! Why add a problem instead of deleting it?

To make children for a possible god, what's the point, since in a word he can make for himself myriads of servants, and even better, he can serve himself of one simple word, and therefore what is the use of servants? What would be the point of stupid companions when he can make them as intelligent as he is? What do you want such a god to make children who will become cunning and vicious, with reason, to live a life of forced labor a life of convict?

Your parents did not give you birth by pure kindness of their hearts, it is not a profit for you to exist, you gain nothing there, they are the only winners of something and not always, because that often attracts annoyances, but they believe to be in their right by making you. Their eggs and sperm belong to them, so they start your fabrication, and then shamelessly, if they can not feed you until you reach the age of majority, well they'll swing you to work. What morality!

Making a child is like pottery, we make a ceramic pot, we put it in the oven, when the cooking is over it will be the surprise. After a quick review, if the pot is missed, well too bad, it is thrown in the dumpster and we make another.

With the baby, the oven is the maternal belly, but lack of luck (fortunately or unfortunately for the toddler) we can not break this kind of pot once it is out in the open, the law forbids it, so it is thrown into the street or sent to pay dearly for survival in a slave owner and even when he has no apparent defect (but there are always defects, even from you, the proof!)

Now, let's talk about society, the one that is supposed to protect us throughout our life and that taxes us dearly for this security. What is the usefulness for society of letting an existence be created that will begin its life by tiring its body from its earliest childhood, and who will therefore, so young, pay taxes to society like an adult?

Since this person, this rubbish sorter, this stones breaker, lives, as long as he lives, it is that he finds the means, and therefore that he eats the social left-overs like a rat in a garbage can. A society is an association between humans, how can you treat your associates of rats?

What vision do you have of yourself if all you can guarantee, to people who have not asked to exist, is this kind of unhealthy and absurd life in your rubbish?

The role of the state is to foresee. To foresee in order to give an interesting life to each person who lives on the territory, otherwise it is useless to have authorized their manufacture, their procreation.

Has the state planned to let your children starve? Does he plan to educate them the hard way in the mine, at the factory? Does he plan to teach them how to reach out? Has he planned to let them beg their daily pittance? Does he need additional offenders to assert his authority? If this is what the state has planned for your children, then avoid doing it. The state does not like you.

He does not like you, Madam. He does not like you Sir. You serve him only as job fodder, taxable fodder, and cannon fodder. You are the pieces of his absurd social game.

If society is interested only in the usefulness of people for society, it is because they consider them slaves. Is that the humanity, the humanity of your rulers, your own humanity, because you are an associate, we are all associated as soon as we exist and not only between humans?

In any case, do not put your child to forced labor, do not send him to this adult prison. Go see social assistance. It's their job to make up for your shortcomings, your mistakes, your faults. Society has planned everything, at least, as we have seen, it's the job of the state to foresee. The term "Society" means that the humans who compose it are associated to manage a territory of which they are co-owners, as well as, and especially, the associates or their guests who live on this territory.

If you have been allowed to have a child, it is because the society needs new partners to replace those who die or leave the territory.

This implicit authorization granted to you to procreate gives you the right to claim what the society owes you because to live is necessarily to need food, protection, housing, to the strict minimum. If not, why allow yourself to fabricate an additional partner?

Society does not have the right to treat the work of its children as a mere collateral damage. How can one imagine that 168 million children are a mere collateral damage? Every individual is important because society is made up of individuals. The Society can not be a vicious circle that needs slaves to maintain its status as a society.

A society that does not guarantee an exhilarating life to each of its associates does not do its job. To make everyone find an interest in living must be his goal.

Why must we always remember that we are all innocent to exist, all innocent of our bodies, all innocent of our intellects, therefore all innocent of our actions? The making of an existence only serves those that already exist and no one masters this fabrication. Why make a child if it is to put him to work?

When we plan to have a child (since we are not animals, we plan, do not we?), We must also plan the whole life of the child. The society agrees with getting new partners to replace the old ones, this agreement is worth contract. So why do parents make more children than society can handle peacefully, and without society doing anything to give the best to each of his new partners, his children?

Besides, why does one have to earn a living, since the life has been imposed on us? Since we have been forced to exist, should not we have a good life, a healthy body, a healthy intellect, a long and interesting life, otherwise what is the use of forcing us to exist?

There are different types of forced child labor in each country and according to the countries. Children are at work for different reasons:

- Illiterate parents ignorant of the laws or parents' poverty: disgusting society, why are these parents, your associates, ignorant or poor? Why do you let them vegetate in misery and ignorance? What is the use of existing in these conditions? Why did you allow their existence, their coming into this world, their manufacture without guarantee of having a good life? Why do you let them make children who will undergo this animal life? Being human must be synonymous with good life, beautiful life, interesting life, since we have the means to control our procreation system which is a so-called voluntary act.

- Slavery employers who probably have children themselves. People who make children in this world after experiencing a 20th century of bloodthirsty barbarism are obviously idiots without name. It is not surprising that these employers use the child of others as forced laborers; they are inexpensive and more able than adults to perform certain tasks.

- Children without a birth certificate and therefore without age. The employer can thus, depending on the country, use a child who is not of legal working age on the pretext that the person has deceived him about his age. To overcome this problem, it should be up to the employer to prove the legality of the worker's job, therefore his age. (This problem is found in child prostitution.)

- Children out of school for multiple reasons. In the 21st century this lack of schooling is an aberration. The society must look after each of its members and ensure that they are welcomed properly on our planet. And as they arrive on Earth untouched by all knowledge, it is up to the parents and their associates, who allow the introduction of a new partner, to educate the children to our world, to our culture, in the best conditions . Otherwise there is no need to invite these children, we are quite numerous enough to only add misery to misery.

- Instability of countries without law. What is the UN waiting for to intervene? Nations have artificial boundaries, but not humanity, when it is in danger, when some of these members are in peril, it is up to this international organization to intervene to restore human rights, rights of each individual to continue the existence imposed upon him.

Child labor is like the death penalty, it comes from the same problem of misunderstanding of what we really are, and the refusal to apprehend it by the mass that transmits its stupidity to its leaders:

We are all innocent to exist, we have all been forced to exist, and these are our parents forced themselves to exist before us, and so on by recurrence, until the basic animal. But are we still animals that copulate for no reason and reproduce without knowing why, without being able to control our actions?

We are all innocent to exist, all innocent of our bodies and our intellects, so all innocent of our actions throughout an existence that we did not ask. We are truly innocent of all our actions, because nothing of what we are has been asked by ourselves, neither the life nor the environment, nor our educators, nor culture, nor society.

And of course, given that we are born virgin of all cultural knowledge and that our brain functions like a black box, we obviously can not acquire free will, this is absolutely impossible, free will is technically impossible, and besides this obligation to exist makes us innocent of everything.

Could we not just understand this principle? Could we not disseminate it, make it understand if it is necessary by insisting, while it is very simple to understand? Free will is not necessary to understand, we are capable of understanding things that are more complex than that.

The law prohibits abuse of the particularly vulnerable situation of a person who has no other real and acceptable alternative than to submit to that abuse; even more if it is a child, and there is no more child than one who is born without having given permission.

This is exactly the case of procreation with the obligation that made to us to exist, and the obligation to work so as not to starve and protect oneself. We are made by our parents with the obligation of having to feed us, otherwise to suffer of hunger and even death, which is obviously well known to all their associates.

Society and parents use this constant threat to our life to force us to work until death. But the Social Law prohibits this kind of threat. How is it that nobody understands this permanent blackmail of society on its own associates? Or rather, how is it that everyone turns a blind eye to this obvious blackmail? Work or die of hunger!

How is it that humanity who preaches humanism multiplies the number of these unhappy children instead of guaranteeing them a healthy, happy, long, and interesting life? What do not you understand in this simple sentence?

To let children work is a social aberration, since we are forced to exist to serve parents and societies. How to exist without food, without health, without protection? Why make us exist and let go in nature as an animal would? Why authorize the manufacture of a person if there is the slightest risk that the child ends up on the street or worse that he is born handicapped?

Children and parents are our partners, the concept of "deprivation of care", as mentioned in the law, should be as valid for children as for parents. Society is the mother of all its associates, the "care deprivation" also applies to it. Society must be punished as a legal person. Do not hesitate to make a complaint, make collectives, associations, gather together.

The current penal system makes it possible to punish the perpetrators of the exploitation of children and trafficking in human beings in the framework of the work of minors. To make a child for oneself or society, is it not human trafficking.

French law says: "It is therefore in the interest of the children not to be separated from their parents, except to prove that the parents actually exploit their children or are harmful to them." Parents are always harmful to their children since the making of an existence is an infinite risk and slavery to say the least. But as society is a collection of parents, obviously it is not his interest to self-berating. She turns a blind eye to her own crimes.

Society can not reproach anyone with anything because it has authorized in all knowledge of cause and effect the imperfect fabrication and imperfect education of imperfect beings.

Individuals can not blame society since free will does not exist and a society is a collection of individuals who still live according to customs older than them, customs generated by people who knew less than us.

What should be done in this case to solve the general problem of human relationships? Well, admit what you are, what we are all without exception, because no one is guilty of existing, and get to work. Send the message, it's time to stop messing around.

End - E. Berlherm

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