lundi 4 novembre 2019
lundi 18 mars 2019
Proposal for a Declaration of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Proposal for a :
Declaration of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
January, 2016
(Modeled on the Declaration of the Rights of the Child)
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have, in the Charter, reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights and in the dignity and worth of the human person, and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
Whereas the United Nations has, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any kind, such as differences in physical details and apparent or perceived behavioral*, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status,
(*Note: in Human Rights, the term “race” should be deleted since human science cannot define the notion of race, and replace the notion of “colour” with “differences in physical details and apparent or perceived behavioral”)
Whereas that all disabilities are prenatal or postnatal abuse, of nature and of the human, on the human. That there can be no difference between birth disability and disability acquired during life, because no human has asked to exist. That the result of any disability whatsoever is due to bodily weakness and, or, intellectual, or, and, as well as the absence of free will. That weakness and absence are the results of a genetic inheritance from the parents and therefore unwanted by the child, not more desired by that person than existence itself,
Whereas that no person, handicapped or not, can exist at her personal request that her existence is therefore arbitrary, and that her parents have initiated without any mastery the blind manufacture of her existence for their services, and that of society, since procreation is the first social act and the most important of human acts yet without control of the law,
Whereas that the disabled person, by reason of her physical or mental disabilities, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth, and in particular where appropriate of equipment to compensate for the handicap acquired in the service of society simply by existing,
Whereas the need for special safeguards has been stated in the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924, and recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the statutes of specialized agencies and international organizations concerned with the welfare of children, society must defer these rights to the handicapped person who, like the child, has certain disabilities which, where appropriate, she will retain all her life, unlike the child once grown up in full possession of his physical and mental means,
society must defer these rights to the disabled person who, like the child, has certain disabilities that he will retain for life, contrary to the child once grown up in full possession of his physical means and mental,
Whereas mankind owes to every person, child and adult handicapped or not, the best of itself, and that there is no reason to compel anyone to exist if the conditions of existence are bad,
Now therefore,
(We, the author,)
Proclaims this Declaration of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities so that they have a happy life and enjoy, for their benefit and in the interest of society, the rights and freedoms herein set forth, and that they benefit from an indemnity and restitution for the disability that they must undergo when they have not asked to exist, let alone to exist in this physical or mental state, and while this existence is the result of a need for society and an uncontrolled desire of their parents,
and calls upon parents, upon men and women as individuals, and upon voluntary organizations, local authorities and national Governments to recognize these rights and strive for their observance by legislative and other measures progressively taken in accordance with the following principles:
Principle 1
The disabled person shall enjoy all the rights set forth in this Declaration. Every person with disabilities, without any exception whatsoever, shall be entitled to these rights, without distinction or discrimination on account of age, differences in physical details and apparent or perceived behavioral, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, whether of herself or of her family or of her guardians.
Principle 2
The disabled person shall enjoy special protection, and shall be given opportunities and facilities, by law and by other means, to compensate and remedy incapacitating disability, whether intellectual or physical, by operation of law and other means, in order to be able to develop in a healthy and normal manner physically, intellectually, morally, spiritually and socially, in conditions of freedom and dignity. In the enactment of laws for this purpose, the best interests of the disabled person shall be the paramount consideration.
Principle 3
The disabled person shall be entitled from her birth to a name and a nationality.
Principle 4
The disabled person shall enjoy the benefits of social security. She shall be entitled to grow and develop in health; to this end, special care and protection shall be provided both to her and to her mother, including adequate pre-natal and post-natal care. The disabled person shall have the right to adequate nutrition, housing, recreation and medical services.
Principle 5
A person who is physically, mentally or socially disadvantaged shall be given the special treatment, education and care required by her particular condition or situation.
Principle 6
The disabled person by birth, for the full and harmonious development of her personality, needs love and understanding. She shall, wherever possible, grow up in the care and under the responsibility of her parents, and, in any case, in an atmosphere of affection and of moral and material security; a disabled person shall not, save in exceptional circumstances, be separated from her mother. Society and the public authorities shall have the duty to extend particular care to disabled people without a family and to those without adequate means of support. Payment of State and other assistance towards the maintenance of persons with disabilities of large families is desirable.
Principle 7
The disabled person is entitled to receive education, which shall be free and compulsory, at least in the elementary stages. She shall be given an education which will promote her general culture and enable her, on a basis of equal opportunity, if necessary compensated according to the handicap, to develop her abilities, her individual judgement, and her sense of moral and social responsibility, and to become a useful member of society, if she so desires.
The best interests of the disabled person shall be the guiding principle of those responsible for her education and guidance; that responsibility lies in the first place with her parents or guardians.
The child with a disability shall have full opportunity for play and recreation, which should be directed to the same purposes as education; society and the public authorities shall endeavour to promote the enjoyment of this right, as well as to compensate and repair the handicap.
Principle 8
The disabled person shall in all circumstances be among the first to receive protection and relief.
Principle 9
The disabled person shall be protected against all forms of neglect, cruelty and exploitation. She shall not be the subject of traffic, in any form.
The disabled person shall not be admitted to employment before an appropriate minimum age; she shall in no case be caused or permitted to engage in any occupation or employment which would prejudice her health or education, or interfere with her physical, mental or moral development.
Principle 10
The disabled person shall be protected from practices which may foster to physical or behavioral discrimination, religious and any other form of discrimination. She shall be brought up in a spirit of understanding, tolerance, friendship among peoples, peace and universal brotherhood, and in full consciousness that her energy and talents should be devoted to the service of her fellow men, if she desires it and according to her abilities.
General Principle
As the society is constantly asking for partners to replace the deceased who constituted it, it must, since it is demanding partners forced to exist for its service, and since it is respectful of human rights that it has instituted itself, to assure to each one a decent life, interesting, rich in opportunities, healthy, non-bellicose, and gratuitous; and since it is unable to ensure that every human being, existing for its service, is born and remains unscathed from physical or mental handicaps, it must compensate and repair to the extent possible the failures of the generation of these people and their lives.
It must always be remembered that the fabricating of an existence is never mastered and only serves those that already exist; that the risk of this blind manufacturing involves the mother who risks her health and her life by procreation, but especially the new person, the child, who suffers all the consequences for the sole service of others, since she will exist without her prior agreement obviously impossible, and this constrained existence will take place with a body, as well as an intellect, and in an environment that she has not chosen.
End – E. Berlherm
dimanche 17 mars 2019
Grand Débat National
Grand Débat National
Le Grand Débat National - Démocratie, égalité, mérite
Démocratie, égalité, mérite
le 16 mars 2019 à 11:42
Vie institutionnelle et démocratique
qui faites-vous le plus confiance pour vous faire représenter dans
la société et pourquoi ?
ne fais confiance à 100% à personne, même pas à moi-même. On ne
peut pas faire confiance à 100% en l'intelligence des personnes, et
l’on ne peut pas faire confiance à 100% en l'honnêteté des
personnes. Il faut donc installer des systèmes de contrôle des
actions de tous nos représentants constamment. Nos représentants
doivent être effectivement responsables et responsabilisés par des
retours de manivelle s'ils ne sont pas efficaces. Leur honnêteté et
leur compétence doivent être constamment sous contrôle.
dehors des élus politiques, faut-il donner un rôle plus important
aux associations et aux organisations syndicales et professionnelles
oui, à quel type d'associations ou d'organisations ? Et avec quel
rôle ?
sortes d'ONG qui donneraient leur avis constamment et sur tout dans
une sorte de logiciel démocratique un peu équivalent à ce grand
débat, mais qui s'auto-organiserait et serait permanent. Il reste à
réaliser le cahier des charges de ce "logiciel démocratique".
faudrait-il faire pour renouer le lien entre les citoyens et les élus
qui les représentent ?
vérités absolues doivent être dites. Nous sommes tous innocents
d'exister, car on nous a contraints d'exister pour le service
parental et social. Nous vivons dans un mensonge permanent qui mine
l'ambiance, car personne ne connait cette vérité absolue
(l'innocence d'exister et donc l'absence de mérite) mais tout le
monde se sent floué, car la sensation est présente et intime sans
qu'on puisse réaliser qu'on est berné par le système.
non-cumul des mandats instauré en 2017 pour les parlementaires
(députés et sénateurs) est :
bonne chose
y a suffisamment de personnes compétentes en France.
faudrait-il faire pour mieux représenter les différentes
sensibilités politiques ?
faudrait supprimer les sensibilités politiques et faire entrer le
rationalisme dans la tête de nos concitoyens. Nous voulons tous, à
long terme, mais le plus rapidement possible, sensiblement la même
chose, et quant aux petites différences, des personnes rationalistes
doivent être en mesure de poser leurs arguments et d'en débattre
sans violence verbale et encore moins physique. Je ne fais pas
confiance en une personne qui n'est pas en mesure de parler et
d'argumenter sans violence. Il n'y a rien de tel que l'écrit pour
supprimer la violence verbale. Dans un écrit ne se manifeste que
l'émotion du lecteur. Les courants politiques sont des âneries
inventés par notre animalité intransigeante.
qu'il serait souhaitable de réduire le nombre d'élus (hors députés
et sénateurs) ?
oui, lesquels ?
ils devraient être augmentés pour en faire une Troisième chambre,
ou bien au contraire tout rassembler en une seule chambre. En fait,
il vaudrait mieux qu'ils aient à leur disposition ce logiciel
démocratique dont je parle plus haut. Ils pourraient ainsi rester
chez eux tranquillement et leurs idées seraient visibles, concises
et compréhensibles par le simple citoyen, ou bien rejetées. Les
bavardages ont toujours entrainé les émotions et ne conduisent à
pensez-vous de la participation des citoyens aux élections et
comment les inciter à y participer davantage ?
logiciel démocratique, cité ci-dessus, pourrait remplacer
avantageusement les élections, car il serait à jour
quotidiennement. Quelle que soit la personne choisie, elle devra
avoir la compétence pour réaliser ce que le peuple a décidé dans
ce logiciel démocratique. La personne choisie aurait donc moins
d'impact et moins de pouvoir, son rôle serait essentiellement de
bien faire fonctionner la Nation en tant que société et non en tant
que système concurrentiel contre les autres nations.
prendre en compte le vote blanc ?
oui, de quelle manière ?
vote blanc et l'absence de vote représentent le peuple, au même
titre que le vote effectif représente le choix du peuple. Le vote
blanc et l'absence de vote sont des choix au même titre qu'un
bulletin dans une urne. Ils représentent la négation des personnes
qui se présentent et du système démocratique tel qu'il est
représenté. Avec le web ceux qui organisent les élections ont le
droit et le pouvoir de demander la raison de l'absence de vote ou du
vote blanc à tous les Français en âge de voter. Mais je vous
rappelle que nous sommes tous innocents d'exister puisque nous avons
tous été contraints d'exister pour servir nos parents et leurs
associés, la nation entière.
faudrait-il faire aujourd'hui pour mieux associer les citoyens aux
grandes orientations et à la décision publique ? Comment mettre en
place une démocratie plus participative ?
déjà répondu à cette question plus haut. Il faut mettre en place
un logiciel démocratique.
But du logiciel démocratique: == Un logiciel démocratique sécurisé
et fiable accessible à tous, afin d'afficher les idées (originales
ou non) de tous, et afin que les meilleures idées démocratiquement
sélectionnées migrent automatiquement au premier plan selon le
thème. Le cahier des charges peut contenir toutes les idées, même
contradictoire, les auteurs du logiciel diront ensuite ce qu'ils en
pensent. Un cahier des charges est comme un système démocratique,
le peuple émet les idées, les gouvernants, les professionnels
disent la faisabilité éventuelle et tentent de les réaliser.
=== Cahier des charges ===
- Logiciel de type arborescent où les thèmes sont des questions qui sont toutes corrélées et interdépendantes
- Facilité d'utilisation
- Sécurité du logiciel
- Les thèmes de base les plus importants sont créés par les auteurs du logiciel (exp: constitution, éducation, culture, travail, défense, etc.)
- L'importance relative des thèmes, donc leur organisation sera déduite des votes
- Facilité de parcours de la liste des thèmes et des idées
- Vision générale ou détaillée des thèmes et des idées
- Les idées ne doivent pas contenir plus de (X) mots, les idées sont liées au thème
- Modification et conservation des idées
- Interdis de brider les idées
- Pas de gérant de page
- Pas de nom d'auteur, pas de signature
- Texte écrit en bon français sans fautes d'orthographe
- Recherche de thème et recherche d'idée par l'utilisateur
- Pour que les idées ne soient pas répétées inutilement le logiciel doit chercher les correspondances automatiquement
- Votes sécurisés protégés pour les idées déjà émises
- Facilité de traduction dans toutes les langues éventuellement
faciliter le déclenchement du référendum d'initiative partagée
(le RIP est organisé à l'initiative de membres du Parlement soutenu
par une partie du corps électoral) qui est applicable depuis 2015 ?
ne sais pas
oui, comment ?
faut dire aux Français très exactement quels sont les domaines de
la compétence d'un référendum, et quels sont précisément les
domaines de la compétence de spécialistes.
faudrait-il faire pour consulter plus directement les citoyens sur
l'utilisation de l'argent public, par l'Etat et les collectivités ?
domaines sont toujours les mêmes et le pourcentage du budget est peu
variable d'une année sur l'autre. Pa r contre cette légère
variation pourrait être pondérée par les choix des Français au
moment où ils paient leurs impôts (contributions obligatoires, et
esclavagistes puisque je n'ai pas demandé à exister et que je n'ai
jamais signé de contrat social).
rôle nos assemblées, dont le Sénat et le Conseil économique,
social et environnemental, doivent-elles jouer pour représenter nos
territoires et la société civile ?
résoudre ce problème, il faut réaliser une arborescence mettant en
valeur l'importance des thèmes et leur interdépendance. Par
exemple, tout est soumis à l'environnement puisque nous sommes
inclus dans la Nature et qu'elle est nécessaire à notre bienêtre.
Le social est donc dépendant de l'environnement. De même que le
social dépend de l'individu et non l'inverse puisque c'est
l'individu qui s'associe. Etc.
les transformer ?
oui, comment ?
personnes qui gèrent les problèmes d'ensemble doivent comprendre
précisément et intimement cet ensemble. S'ils ne connaissent pas la
nature humaine, ne sachant même pas l'innocence d'exister des
personnes comment peuvent-ils régler les problèmes humains
correctement ? On ne peut régler un problème humain si l'on ne
connait pas l'humain. J'explique avec mes moyens ce qu'est
l'innocence d'exister dans le livre suivant:
Vie citoyenne
proposez-vous pour renforcer les principes de la laïcité dans le
rapport entre l'Etat et les religions de notre pays ?
être humain doit devenir rationaliste. Le rationalime doit être
appris à l'école. "Le rationalisme est une manière
d’envisager l’analyse du monde sans écueil pour la raison, sans
blocage issu de la personne qui envisage le monde. Un rationaliste
est quelqu’un qui ne bloque pas ses futurs raisonnements par un
raisonnement personnel quelconque ni par aucun autre, et venant
d’aucune personne, raisonnement qui pourrait le conduire dans une
impasse intellectuelle, lui, mais surtout d’autres personnes plus
jeunes, ou moins armées intellectuellement. Raisonner, c’est
douter, un rationaliste doute, cela fait partie du raisonnement. Mais
ce n’est pas réellement du doute, c’est de la remise en question
rationalisée, puisqu’il sait que le cerveau, son cerveau, n’est
pas un mécanisme parfait et fiable qui possèderait toutes les
connaissances et rendrait un jugement absolument vrai. Quand un mot
est dit, il l’est dans le contexte du cerveau et de la pensée de
l’émetteur, et quand ce mot est entendu, il l’est dans le
contexte du cerveau et de la pensée du receveur. Les contextes étant
différents, pourquoi et comment, et par quel miracle les mots
auraient-ils le même sens ? Il n’y a pas différents courants de
rationalisme, il n’y en a qu’un. Les (véritables) rationalistes
n’entreront jamais en guerre les uns contre les autres. La logique
et le rationalisme doivent être comme des langues maternelles, elles
ne doivent pas être apprises plus tard comme de secondes langues.
Une langue maternelle se pratique par les significations. Une seconde
langue se pratique par synonymie de mots et de phrases, c’est une
façon de parler différée, difficile à maitriser...."
garantir le respect par tous de la compréhension réciproque et des
valeurs intangibles de la République ?
le rationalisme, pour commencer au moins chez les dirigeants et
surtout les enseignants qui enseignent les futurs enseignants et les
futurs dirigeants. Le cercle ne doit pas rester vicieux, il doit
devenir vertueux.
faudrait-il faire aujourd'hui pour renforcer l'engagement citoyen
dans la société ?
expliquer pourquoi vous leur avez imposé l'existence alors que vous
leur proposez une société qui est loin d'être paradisiaque. Quand
on installe un enfant dans un berceau malsain, c'est probablement
parce que l'on aime soi-même ce genre d'environnement malsain. Si
l'on se sent esclave, si l'on se sent maltraité, pourquoi fabriquer
un enfant qui sera esclave et maltraité à son tour ?
sont les comportements civiques qu'il faut promouvoir dans notre vie
quotidienne ou collective ?
ne vois pas comment vous pourrez obtenir que des personnes que l'on a
contraintes d'exister pour le service parental et social puissent se
sentir concernées avec enthousiasme par la société, si ce n'est
par la manipulation et le mensonge. Comment parvenir à la vertu d'un
bon comportement par le mensonge et l'hypocrisie initial et constant?
Tout ce qui existe dans l'univers est "aresponsable" (sans
responsabilité) et en ce qui nous concerne nous les êtres
conscients du problème, nous sommes innocents d'exister et donc
innocents de toutes nos actions.
faudrait-il faire pour favoriser le développement de ces
comportements civiques et par quels engagements concrets chacun
peut-il y participer ?
que les gouvernants seront dans le dénie de cette obligation
d'exister qui est faite à tous et donc notre innocence d'exister,
ils n'aborderont pas le problème correctement, à moins qu'ils le
connaissent déjà et trompent leur monde. Chacun peut se dire:
puisque vous m'avez contraint d'exister, pourquoi devrais-je
m'impliquer dans un système esclavagiste?
faudrait-il faire pour valoriser l'engagement citoyen dans les
parcours de vie, dans les relations avec l'administration et les
pouvoirs publics ?
expliquer pourquoi ils existent. Sommes-nous des humains libres
faisant la promotion des droits de l'homme ou bien sommes-nous dans
une dictature? Pourquoi devrais-je tenir une place dans la société?
Pourquoi n'ai-je pas droit à une vie exaltante alors qu'on m'a
contraint d'exister? Pourquoi me fabriquer si c'est pour souffrir,
pour travailler comme une fourmi, pour m'ennuyer, pour vieillir, pour
mourir? Comment peut-on oser me fabriquer en risquant de me
handicaper dès la naissance, suis-je un dommage collatéral
sont les incivilités les plus pénibles dans la vie quotidienne et
que faudrait-il faire pour lutter contre ces incivilités ?
harcèlement scolaire des autres élèves et des éducateurs.
L'impression d'être un esclave de l'administration. L'impression
permanente de vivre sous la menace et le chantage de la société
alors que je n'ai pas demandé à exister.
peuvent et doivent faire les pouvoirs publics pour répondre aux
incivilités ?
le rationalisme.
pourrait être le rôle de chacun pour faire reculer les incivilités
dans la société ?
le rationalisme et l'innocence d'exister, l'innocence de soi-même et
surtout celle des autres.
sont les discriminations les plus répandues dont vous êtes témoin
ou victime ?
de la richesse causée par le capitalisme. Nous sommes fabriqués par
d'autres personnes, des associés de cette société, c'est-à-dire
avec l'assentiment social. Nous sommes donc tels que nous sommes
parce que construits tels que nous sommes. Nous ne méritons pas nos
handicaps pas plus que nous méritons notre force ou notre
intelligence supérieure. Pourquoi dans un système social égalitaire
cette innocence de notre propre fabrication n'est-elle pas reconnue?
Pourquoi certains doivent-ils faire tout au long de leur vie des
corvées sociales dans la Maison France alors que d'autres de par la
chance de leur fabrication disposent de toutes les bonnes fortunes?
La contrainte qui nous est faite à tous d'exister dans une
association d'égaux doit conduire à une juste répartition des
richesses. Pourquoi prétendre à l'égalité si je ne l'ai pas
faudrait-il faire pour lutter contre ces discriminations et
construire une société plus solidaire et plus tolérante ?
et répandre le rationalisme.
qu'il faille instaurer des contreparties aux différentes allocations
de solidarité ?
oui, lesquelles ?
n'a signé de contrat social. Si vous imposez l'existence à un être
humain, vous devez le faire en toute connaissance des causes et des
effets sur cette personne et sur la société. Une personne qui ne
désire pas travailler est comme un handicapé à 100%. Quelle
contrepartie allez-vous oser demander à ce handicapé qui n'a pas
demandé à exister? Avant de fabriquer une personne, vous devez
prévoir sa vie sans contrepartie. Elle ne vous doit rien. Si elle
veut s'occuper et faire profiter la société de ses capacités et
qualités que vous lui avez peut-être accordée aléatoirement à la
naissance et par une éducation toujours imparfaite alors tant mieux
pour la société sinon tant pis pour la société, elle ne mérite
pas cette personne.
Immigration et intégration
pensez-vous de la situation de l'immigration en France aujourd'hui et
de la politique migratoire ? Quelles sont, selon vous, les critères
à mettre en place pour définir la politique migratoire ?
rationalisme doit être répandu sur toute la planète.
matière d'immigration, une fois nos obligations d'asile remplies,
souhaitez-vous que nous puissions nous fixer des objectifs annuels
définis par le Parlement ?
problèmes migratoires dépendent des situations dans les autres pays
et doivent être réglés (humainement) au fur et à mesure qu'elles
apparaissent. Les droits de l'homme sont au sommet de l'arborescence.
proposez-vous afin de répondre à ce défi qui va durer ?
problèmes migratoires sont essentiellement dus au capitalisme. Il
faut donc taxer le capitalisme. Les casseurs de peuples sont les
sont, selon vous, les modalités d'intégration les plus efficaces et
les plus justes à mettre en place aujourd'hui dans la société ?
ne suis pas compétent.
a-t-il d'autres points sur la démocratie et la citoyenneté sur
lesquels vous souhaiteriez vous exprimer ?
fais part dans mon texte (en lecture libre) ici:
je cogite sur une "politique rationaliste" (aussi
modestement que possible, car aussi rationnellement que possible).
Bonne journée, et pensez fortement au « logiciel
démocratique ».
– E. Berlherm
vendredi 18 janvier 2019
Édition - « L’innocence d’exister »
À l’adresse ci-dessus vous trouverez mon dernier bouquin édité sur Atramenta qui s’intitule « L’innocence d’exister » avec comme sous-titre « Invitation à exister ». Je proposerais une version papier dans quelque temps pour voir si cela améliore la visibilité.
Je me suis évertué à calmer une ironie naturelle, mais ça m’est assez difficile.
Un milliard d’athées devraient comprendre cette notion d’innocence d’exister sans difficulté, mais j’ai l’impression que les quelques personnes qui en ont entendu parler n’ont pas saisi l’importance de transmettre cette notion. Aussi je tente d’expliciter le message.
Voici l’introduction tel que :
Avant d’entreprendre la lecture de cet ouvrage peut-être devriez-vous consulter celui de David Benatar (« Better never to have been : the harm of coming into existence ») ou celui de Théophile de Giraud (« L’art de guillotiner les procréateurs »). Cela vous permettrait l’entrée en douceur dans une vision rationaliste du monde humain.
Je pars du principe qu’il est plus important que le malheur cesse et surtout de ne pas en rajouter, que de ménager les personnes. La vérité mérite d’être connue de tous, le plus tôt possible. « On ne peut nier une vérité au nom de l’utilité », ai-je lu quelque part, je préfère penser que la vérité est toujours utile à plus ou moins long terme (voir le chapitre sur la vérité.)
[Hello Mr. Darwin, since the edition of your remarkable work « On the origin of species », some billions of humans have accepted the principle of evolution. But I regret to announce that they have not evolved intellectually. Their morality is always so close to barbarism, and their reason seems to go down the drain. Do you have some good advice to send us from beyond the grave, please ? With all our thanks.]
Après Darwin ou sans Darwin, pourquoi les humains n’ont-ils accordé aucune attention à l’innocence d’exister de chacun d’entre nous ? Pourquoi ont-ils buté sur notre descendance animale ? Pourquoi l’innocence d’exister est-elle méconnue ? Pourquoi devrions-nous nous sentir coupables de quoi que ce soit après qu’on nous a obligés d’exister ? Pourquoi juger et punir, et pas seulement éduquer et protéger ?
Croyants ou pas, et quelle que soit la croyance, nous sommes innocents d’exister ; quant aux athées et rationalistes, cela ne devrait leur poser aucun problème de compréhension (un milliard de non religieux ont le pouvoir d’accélérer le processus de transmission de cette information).
« Nous sommes, tous sans exception, innocents d’exister.
La violence doit cesser, car personne n’est responsable. »
L’obligation d’exister implique de ne pas être responsable d’exister (voir le chapitre sur l’aresponsabilité) ni d’aucune de nos actions au cours de l’existence. Pourquoi nous impute-t-on nos conduites alors que nos parents nous ont contraints d’exister ? Que la société soit demandeuse de nos existences ou pas, cela n’a pas d’importance. Même si le libre arbitre existait ou si la responsabilité était une notion valide cela ne changerait rien non plus. Nous n’avons pas demandé à exister, ni à être ce que nous sommes, ni à devoir accomplir les gestes nécessaires à nos existences.
La vie n’est pas donnée. Ce n’est pas un don ni un cadeau octroyé à quelqu’un qui existe déjà. La vie d’un être est fabriquée. Elle est fabriquée avec tous les risques et les aléas que cela comporte pour celle ou celui qui est fabriqué. Étant construits imparfaitement, éduqués imparfaitement et jetés « violemment » dans un monde imparfait, comment peut-on s’attendre à ce que nos actes soient autrement qu’imparfaits, éventuellement antiparental et antisocial, voire agressif et destructeur ?
La société ne peut reprocher quoi que ce soit aux personnes puisqu’elle a autorisé en toute connaissance de causes et d’effets la fabrication et l’éducation imparfaite d’êtres imparfaits. Il est ridicule de culpabiliser des gens que l’on a soi-même façonnés imparfaits. Car nous sommes incapables de perfection. Ridicule de culpabiliser des individus que nous avons nous-mêmes éduqués imparfaitement. Nous ne savons pas comment éduquer parfaitement. Il est tout aussi absurde de culpabiliser des êtres que nous avons installés de force dans une société imparfaite. Planète ingérable, violente, belliqueuse. Société stupide de par son existence même. Est-ce ridicule et ignoble ? Nous sommes seulement ignorants de nos propres bêtises parce que nous sommes nous-mêmes innocents d’exister imparfaits et sans contrôle sur notre conduite ! Mais alors que faire ? Réponse : connaitre, admettre, transmettre, et nous modifier rétroactivement (rapidement ce serait bien). Est-ce que le monde changera simplement avec des mots ? Si vous ne parlez pas, non. Est-ce que les mots religieux n’ont pas établi le monde tel qu’il est aujourd’hui ? Réponse : oui, ils l’ont fait violemment et nous sommes sur la mauvaise voie. Le changement devrait pouvoir se faire en douceur si vous admettez la non-responsabilité des gens. Alors, transmettez !
Si le libre arbitre existait et si la notion de responsabilité avait une valeur, pourriez-vous dire à une personne que vous avez violemment poussée dans votre jardin (si vous n’êtes pas un dictateur esclavagiste et/ou un psychopathe) de ne pas écraser vos tomates alors que vous l’avez jeté dans un jardin mal entretenu encombré de ronces et d’orties ? Dans le cas de nos existences, il ne s’agit pas que de cette introduction violente et non désirée dans notre jardin commun, le monde et la société, mais de la construction d’un humain aléatoirement par des êtres incompétents dans cette réalisation ; la preuve en est tous les handicaps de naissance, tous les défauts d’ordre génétique, toutes les maladies et fractures inhérentes à notre fragilité. N’en sommes-nous pas tous conscients ?
Que sommes-nous ? Comment devons-nous nous considérer nous-mêmes ? Sommes-nous un humain exclusivement, un humain d’origine animale, un animal augmenté, un animal uniquement ? Pour l’instant notre animalité est supérieure à notre humanité, et pour la Nation (chaque nation) le rapport est encore plus large puisque la Nation est essentiellement basée sur la défense du territoire qui est un principe animal. Nous sommes les seuls animaux dont la procréation est intentionnelle et même contrôlée en partie par la Loi c’est-à-dire par la Société.
Nous nous fabriquons les uns les autres, nous nous éduquons les uns les autres. Qui peut être le responsable, sinon nous globalement ? Personne ne l’est, puisque nous n’avons pas initié l’univers, ni la vie, ni l’humanité !
Mais avant tout ne faudrait-il pas se poser la question de l’intérêt de l’existence, d’autant plus quand il s’agit de décréter l’existence d’une autre personne ? Ne serait-il pas d’une grande stupidité d’imposer à une humanité, consciente et intentionnelle, les problèmes existentiels (violence, souffrance, misère, etc.) si l’existence ne sert à rien ?
Si l’existence ne sert à rien, dans ce cas le débat sur l’existence elle-même n’est qu’un jugement moral inventé par nous les humains. Or je ne comprends pas à quoi l’existence m’aura profité quand je serais dans la tombe ou réduit en cendre. Si l’on me réplique que j’ai été utile à quelqu’un d’autre, je réponds qu’en est-il de l’avantage d’exister pour cette entité à qui j’ai rendu service. Ai-je été construit comme thérapie ou serviteur pour cet individu ? En ce qui concerne la société qui a une durée de vie juste un peu plus longue que la mienne, je ne vois pas non plus l’utilité de son existence, puisque la société n’est pas une entité consciente et qu’elle se terminera tout comme mon existence se terminera sans bénéfice pour moi. Donc si je sers la société, ai-je été fabriqué pour être un esclave social ? Une fois résolu ce paradoxe sur l’existence, à quoi servent toutes les philosophies sur l’existence elle-même ?
Rien ne sert de courir après un sens à la Vie, elle n’en a pas.
À quoi nous sert d’exister avant d’exister ? Réponse : à rien. À quoi nous sert notre existence après avoir existé ? Réponse : à rien. À quoi sert de nous l’imposer ? Réponse : notre existence sert à ceux qui nous l’ont infligé, ceux qui existent déjà, pour diverses raisons qu’ils n’ont pas analysées en toute logique. La Vie dans son ensemble et la nôtre en particulier a été lancée par un dispositif qui n’a aucune intention consciente, c’est uniquement un grand « Truc » actif. Nous sommes esclaves d’un mécanisme (l’univers, la nature) qui lui-même ne sert à rien puisqu’il est perpétuel. (Pour un Dieu, voir le chapitre sur la croyance.)
Chaque être humain est important. Vous êtes important. Combien d’êtres humains importants ne connaissez-vous pas qui vous côtoient dans le monde aujourd’hui ? Combien ne connaitrez-vous jamais ?
Mais que va devenir l’humanité si elle adopte ce principe d’innocence d’exister ? Réponse : N’ayez aucune inquiétude, vous ne serez pas là pour le voir, pas plus que vous ne pourrez observer la nova qui engloutira notre planète.
Toute personne à qui l’on impose d’exister devrait au moins pouvoir vivre avec un corps sain et un intellect sain, sur une planète saine et non belliqueuse, et d’y mener gratuitement une vie longue et intéressante. Nous devrions tous être traités comme des invités.
Votre système fait de toute personne un coupable potentiel, je vous propose le contraire qui est d’admettre l’innocence perpétuelle des personnes, quels que soient leurs actes…
mardi 15 janvier 2019
Procreation is the mother of all crimes
(I wrote the following arguments at the rate of one or two a day, they can seem fragmented by reading them in one breath, or recall the same themes.)
In France there is a National Ethics Committee. In 2018 he launched a national bioethics consultation on the topic of procreation. I learned a little late this consultation, but I could still ask the topic, "Reproduction in itself is not ethical." Which seems to me the very basis of the general topic. If this topic is not dealt with, when it is the main one, why ask ethical questions about anything else? So a little caught up short on, but knowing the theme I did not have too much trouble to propose arguments "for.” There are some arguments "against", I leave you judge.
Comité Consultatif National d’Ethique (National Consultative Ethics Committee) (CCNE):
“Les Etats généraux,” organized by the “Comité Consultatif National d’Ethique” (National Consultative Ethics Committee), are a preliminary phase to the revision of the bioethics law scheduled for the end of 2018. In France, this law is revised every 7 years at least. Page about the approach:
It also provides for a review of the act within seven years, with, in the first instance, the organization of a public debate in the form of general statements by the government. The CCNE, “Comité Consultatif National d’Ethique” (National Consultative Committee of Ethics) ...
"What world do we want for tomorrow? It is on this issue that drives today the “Etats Généraux de la Bioéthiques” (General States of Bioethics), the first step in the revision of the bioethical law that should take place at the end of the year. The current law of bioethics dates from 2011 ...
All contributions will be the topic of a synthesis report to be submitted by CCNE in June to the OPECST, the “Office Parlementaire d’Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques” (Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Options), before the official closure of the Member States. At the beginning of July, under the aegis of the President of the Republic.
CCNE's mission in the coming months is to gather as objectively as possible all the opinions of the society. However, this is not a simple polling exercise that will be conducted by the Committee, to count the pros, cons, anti, pro, no opinion ... The challenge here is to know, above all, the reasons that motivate these positions. For that, a whole system of consultations has been put in place at various scales.
CCNE undertakes to make public on the website of the “Etats généraux” all the written contributions of associations, learned societies ... and reports of regional discussions.
All these contributions will be taken into account by the CCNE to constitute its synthesis report whether they are citizens or from different institutions.
Here is the entire arguments (most of them are mine) posted for the French “Etats Généraux de la Bioéthique 2018” (Estates General of Bioethics 2018), the topic of which is the title of this article: “Procreation in itself is not ethical”
Introduction of the topic: the procreation of an existence serves only those that already exist, and no one controls this procreation nor the path that will follow this existence. Once one has procreated a suffering being how to undo the suffering? The act of procreation is the most important act of a human being, should not we worry about the conditions of procreation, who procreates, in what environment we invite a being to participate in humanity? Should not we consider that the procreated person is a guest? To exist is infinitely dangerous and always mortal, and can even be considered as a slavery act since the child is fabricated to serve parents and society. Doctors take an oath to fulfill their mission, why do not people who wish to be parents take an oath, when the act of procreation is the main act, and that healing is a secondary act? It ought also to assure each child by a kind of natal contract, so he can live in conditions of well-being, otherwise why invite him on the planet?
Arguments for:
Argument 1: It is not ethical to make a child because he did not ask to exist. The child has been put before the fait accompli of existence, and he will suffer all the consequences. And we will even make him guilty of his "bad" actions while he had no control over his imperfections, physical, mental, educational. To make a child is an act that one does for oneself and not for the child, it is pure selfishness. To make a child is a service that one makes to oneself, so it is dictatorship. It is also a crime by imprudence since it can be born disabled or become disabled. It is a crime, because it will suffer with certainty and die with certainty. It is slavery because it is made to serve those that already exist. It is also slavery, because he will have to buy his body, his food, his health, his security, his lodging, etc. It is still slavery, because it will not only have to work to live, but pay taxes on this necessary work, to the nation. It is also a constraint of association since it is registered in the society without having asked for it. It is also permanent blackmail with threat by the weapons, the prison, the contraventions, if it does not behave according to the rules whereas it has not signed a social contract. It is still mental torture since it will ask questions about death and the afterlife, possibly hell if he is a believer. As well as absurd questions like: "Is life worth living?" While his parents should have asked the question that precedes it: "Is life worth the trouble?"
Argument 2: Making a child is an arbitrary, dictatorial act, so it is perfectly normal for the state to use its power to legislate on this issue. The role of the state is to protect citizens, and especially children, from all the bad living conditions imposed by others. Birth disability is a bad condition of life. No one can master procreation; many disabled and future disabled are born every day (genetic defect, food abuse, or drugged mother). Why does the state not prohibit procreation when someone knows they have a genetic disease? The state should prohibit procreation. It must be deduced that the state considers the birth-disabled as collateral damage, is not it intolerable? On the other hand, the state can slow procreation to ensure that everyone is born in good conditions. The state should at a minimum ensure every child a good and interesting life. If not, what is the use to exist? What is the point of "inviting" someone on the planet? We cannot exist for the service of the state whose role is to protect us; it is an absurd vicious circle. What ethics is there to consider the birth-disabled as collateral damages needed to get the quota of about right citizens to make the nation turning like a clock?
Argument 3: Why is the precautionary principle, and the notion of crime by recklessness, not used by human rights defenders and lawyers, when so many people procreate children with disabilities? Why do not birth-disabled people, no matter when their disability occurs, use the laws to obtain compensation and reparation? Why is the current justice principle based on the law of retaliation not recognized in the case of procreation? Is a blind child a second before birth less abused by his parents than a second after birth? There is no ethic in the making of an existence, and in addition without any mastery.
Argument 4: Why prohibit abortion after 12 weeks (in France)? Is it to protect the pregnant woman or do we consider that the fetus is already a person? If it is to protect the woman, why forbid this type of endangerment, while we allow many others daily and some jobs are highly dangerous, and while procreate is a double endangerment, that of the woman and the unborn child (or children)? More than 800 women die every day in the world during childbirth and one in seven get a pathology (WHO). To procreate is infinitely dangerous, but especially for the person made for the parental and social service. How can a man ask a woman to make him an offspring when his wife risks her life to procreate, and pretend that he loves her? There is no ethic in the simple fact of existing.
Argument 5: To make a child is not a right it is a dictatorial power. People have a desire for a child, or a need for a child, so they will manufacture it despite the infinite risks that this implies for the person who is manufactured. And since it is a power of one or more people over another, it must be controlled. Because the law (French laws) and human rights prohibit the power of one person over another. The child is a person. And this child is put before the fait accompli to exist, which implies his innocence to exist, and therefore the innocence of all his actions.
Argument 6: This child who was fabricated to serve parents and societies suffers social punishment when his behavior is antisocial. Did he ask to exist, and to exist in this or that society? How is he responsible for being what he is since he is a white paper, devoid of any cultural meaning and knowledge, and his brain will remain a black box all his life, all his physical and mental abilities have been imposed on him, education has been imposed on him, culture has been imposed on him, teachers have been imposed on him, existence has been imposed on him? Some countries still apply the death penalty. Is the innocence of existence not a simple argument against the death penalty? What ethics is there to punish with death, to simply punish, a human being innocent to exist?
Argument 7: All these arguments and many others, I take them to my account, and I have the right, given I exist, obviously without my agreement, and in a totally unpleasant world. And if a single human finds this obligation to exist and exist in these totally absurd and ignoble conditions, then he is certainly not the only one. It is time to become the ethical beings we want, the sentient, conscious and intelligent beings we boast about being. I know that I am not alone in this case, we are even numerous on Earth. The world is "overpopulated with suffering". It is despicable to bring children into the world without cleaning the cradle that is the Earth. It is certainly not an ethical action not to clean the cradle before installing the baby. And is it ethical that his parents asked him to do it for them because they did not succeed?
Argument 8: What is the ethics of claiming to "give" life to one's child, if next, he has to "earn" one's life? What is the ethic of rewarding people on the merit when they are very unlikely to be among the best endowed by Nature? Out of 100 births (made by the mother with a little help from the father), 50 have an IQ below 100 and 50 have a PQ (Physical Quotient) of less than 100 as well. This means that to make 25 people "normally" constituted, humans have to make 75 defective ones. If you add the EQ (Emotional Quotient), and the SQ (Sexual Quotient), those with the 4 quotients above 100 are only 6.25%, and, of course, there will be 6.25% of the people who will have their 4 quotients less than 100. Is the reliability of the operation morally sufficient to engage in such a manufacturing operation? Are the 94% of "disabled" people happy to know that they are missed experiences serving the "normal" 6%? It should also be noted that the "normal" 6% are not equal physically and intellectually, and no more equal in the environments in which they will land at birth, or in the quality of the education they will receive. What is the merit of being among the 6% winner in the lottery of life? What ethics is there to overpay (not necessarily) these 6% of pseudo-meritorious?
Argument 9 – ext. - Fanny D. - April 8, 2018, at 17:36: This is not very well formulated but I also think that we should set up a kind of license to be a parent because there are far too many parents who educate their children no matter how. On the other hand, we are too many so it would allow a little to regulate births while having children happy and well behaved. We could offer training to acquire the basics of parenthood (without saying, "A child has to be educated like that, and that's it!"), just explain that we must learn respect and propriety from a very young age ( and not wait 10 years thinking that before he is not able to understand) for example.
Argument 10: The temporary welfare of one million or even a billion people is not worth the suffering of one person. There are no ethics in procreation.
Argument 11: Until today babies do not count. They are not people. They have no voice to defend themselves. The children are procreated to serve. Society does not defend them. No law manages procreation. On the contrary, procreation without control makes the world, and come what may. To change our worldview we need to give a lot more importance to new people. The State cannot manage, must not manage, procreation statistically. The sovereign state is not our king. People are important, all, everyone, one by one. We have to count the people, but not as we count the blades of grass. A person can be "made" only if the conditions that you, the parents, grant him, that you impose on him, are favorable in all respect, if not, don't bring her into the world, or in our world. She did not ask to exist. She did not accept the invitation.
Argument 12: Life is not a gift nor a present, it is a constraint made by others. We are manufactured as we manufacture a vehicle. A vehicle is not a gift for itself but for its manufacturer. It's the same for us, all of us. We serve the ideas of our manufacturer, our manufacturers, and their associates or their accomplices according to the point of view. If your initial principle is equality in the well-being of people, then change the policy in this sense, for now you are only doing the opposite, you promote competition and merit, or we are not born equal physically and intellectually , and above all we are all forced to exist, so innocent to exist. We cannot at the same time force to exist and to promote equality (and freedom).
Argument 13: Can we complain about the state of the world, the state of society, modes of government, its own living conditions, etc., and make children? In my humble opinion, the answer is no, absolutely no, definitely no. Can we force a person to integrate into a society, by imposing existence, while ethical issues have not been resolved?
Argument 14: To make a child is to obey the orders of his body. And to obey the orders of his body is to obey the builders of his body, that is to say his parents. Are we required to obey anyone while we are supposed to be free? If making a child is like acting under the influence of drugs, then are we intelligent beings? To make a child is the most important act in the world. To make a child is therefore the act that must be the most cogitative of all human acts. The world is a garbage can full of bellicose people. The world is the cradle in which you place your baby. Should not you clean the crib before installing your child while he runs infinite risks?
Argument 15 – ext. - Yves D. L. - April 11, 2018, at 08:08: The issue of parental responsibility is important. Remember, however, that there are at least two other partners: nature and society.
Argument 16: Rape was formerly a normal action, and still is in patriarchal countries, where women make children whom their husband's master imposes on them, even when they do not want to. Rape still exists everywhere else in the world. Rape is prohibited by law. The State forbids rape, it has made it a crime. And that's another proof that the State controls procreation.
Argument 17: As associates we all have the right and the duty to forbid the suffering of one of our fellow citizens, but suffering begins with procreation. We have the right and the duty to control it. Overpopulation (of suffering, there is only that which exists) is useless, it is even immoral, unethical, filthy, abject, guilty, disgusting, shameful, ignoble, unspeakable, unworthy, infamous, obnoxious, unutterable, ineffable, cowardly, despicable, odious, repulsive, repugnant, scandalous, sordid, vile, nameless (find the most horrible adjective to describe it, it will be below the truth).
Argument 18: It is not ethical and it is even criminal to procreate because it is an infinite endangering of the life of others and a crime by recklessness. The WHO website lists hundreds of thousands of reasons (diseases, frailties, defects in "manufacturing"), thus demonstrating that it is not ethical to procreate.
Argument 19: It is not ethical to procreate because you are imposing on the procreative person your way of existence, your humanity, your society, your culture, etc. They're not its own, it's yours.
Argument 20: It is not ethical to procreate because the person you make is virgin of all cultural information and knowledge, and you can impregnate his memory, his thinking, his behavior of whatever you want, except that you do not master education. It is absolutely unethical to punish a person whom you have imperfectly fabricated and imperfectly educated, and then punished, eventually sentenced to death, by your educational faults. But you condemn, States condemn.
Argument 21: It is unethical to know that one can procreate a person with a disability, know that one can give him a defective gene, know that he can live a horrible life, and still launch his manufacturing. It is unethical to consider a handicapped child from birth as collateral damage.
Argument 22: It is not ethical for the Nation of Human Rights (France), to turn a deaf ear to the cries of the tens of billions of disabled and unfortunate people of all times who have lived, tortured by the life, because humans procreated by animal egoism, whereas it was not necessary. Life is worth living only in well-being. Life is never worth inflicted. Society has the power to control procreation, it must do so.
Argument 23: It is not ethical to procreate (fabricate a person) without ensuring one's bodily and intellectual well-being, longevity, and the interest of one's life.
Argument 24: It is not ethical to impose existence. It is not ethical to pretend to give freedom, whereas one imposes the "struggle for life". Hypocrisy and lies are not ethical. It is not ethical to fool one's own child by pretending that one loves him after having imposed on him the existence and all the risks of existence. It is not ethical to impose one's rules on someone who has no choice but to follow them.
Argument 25: Where are the ethics in making more than 4 babies per second?
Argument 26: To procreate is to impose the existence, it is to inflict the existence, it is not a gift which one makes to the person manufactured without mastery, it is a gift that makes the procreator to himself. Where are the ethics in this gift for oneself?
Argument 27: It is not ethical to punish someone who has been procreated to serve society. It is immoral to condemn to death someone who has been procreated to serve society, someone who has been fabricated and educated imperfectly in an imperfect society.
Argument 28: Ethical issues must be resolved in order, starting with the most important ones. The one on the ethics of procreation obviously precedes all the others. It is not ethical not to proclaim a truth as important as the innocence of existing on the surface of the Earth.
Argument 29: Procreate is the major crime, the mother of all crimes. If the State interferes with killing, rape, and slavery, which are artificial crimes since nature commits them without any particular problem, then why could the State not legislate to manage procreation that is a much bigger crime, and at the root of all other crimes, because there are no crimes without existence? The State must legislate on procreation, it is obvious that it must, since procreation is a rape, the supreme rape, the greatest rape, which can be committed to at least one person, sometimes several at a time when a mother gives birth to twins, triplets or more. The law defines what crimes are. Procreation contains multiple crimes without Justice has any objections, without anyone making a complaint to exist for the service of others. Complaints have already been made against being born disabled, although this has not (for now) been retained. But if to exist is not a crime, on the other hand, it is about the action of procreate which one talks about.
Argument 30: The crimes of procreation are (I count at least 9): 1) the infinite endangerment of a person who passes from non-existence to existence. 2) The crime of recklessness, because everyone knows that the procreator does not control the making of an existence and that many people are born with disabilities or will become disabled in their lifetime for many reasons. 3) It's a crime simply because suffering is inevitable in the course of life and to live is to be condemned to die ineluctably. 4) The procreated person is made to serve parents and societies, which is slavery. 5) The procreated person will be under parental domination and emancipated to his majority then will have to buy his body by buying his food, his health, his accommodation. To buy one's body is slavery. 6) The procreated person will have to pay taxes to society, without being able to do otherwise, it is slavery. 7) The procreated person is registered without his consent in the society. (8) The person who is procreated is under constant threat from society, under the threat of punishment, under the threat of police weapons, under the threat of imprisonment, without having asked to participate in the social game or the human adventure, or to perpetuate the species. 9) The person will suffer mental torture almost throughout his life, by the frantic competition that it undergoes daily, and the worst is undoubtedly the weight of the death when it will approach the end of its short existence, not to mention the fear of hell that is erected as a scarecrow in front of all humans while no one asked to exist. Procreate is indeed the crime that is the mother of all crimes.
Argument 31: All the political scientists of the world have always taken for granted that we can force a person to exist. Why? Why not consider politics by considering the management of procreation as a political act, since the law already manages some elements? Politics manages relationships between humans, and the first social relationship start with procreation. So, why this vital act, infinitely dangerous for others (this other person is the child, not to mention the risks of suffering and death that the mother takes in procreation), why does this act escapes the political process?
Argument 32: The State has the right to legislate on the procreation, because in an association (we live in society) we cannot add a partner without the agreement of the other associates. For now this agreement is implied, it might not be. It should not be, because the welfare of a person, who is forced to exist for our service, deserves that the whole society gives its approval to the essential act that is the procreation of this person, all the more, knowing the vagaries of its manufacture, its health and its longevity.
Argument 33: If I consider that procreation is a crime, then all those who do not see any problem in this act, I consider them to be complicit in the crime of making my existence. What is my recourse to the fait accompli of this crime on my person? What is my recourse against the ordeal to exist, to suffer, and to die for your sole pleasure, when you do not even know me? Where is your ethics in my suffering to exist, and in the billions of people who suffer during their life for no reason, because life is absurd? In what way will my adventures of humans embellish the silence of my tomb? What did it uses to exist? What is it for you to exist? What is the point of this constant violence that the human mentality adds to this unnecessary suffering since it is useless and absurd to exist? Where are the ethics of a procreator who knows that his child, this person who is not his reproduction, can suffer to exist? By what right do you impose on a person to exist? By what right?
Argument 34: It is unethical not to talk about the fact that it is not ethical to procreate. It is unethical to let people suffer, today (this day) tens of thousands of children with disabilities will be born, today more than 800 women will die of childbearing and one out of 7, that is, to say about 50 thousand women will gain a pathology. It is not ethical not to talk about the suffering of people in the world, suffering by billions, and even more not to remember the one hundred billion people who preceded us, those billions of people who had previously suffered for nothing to exist because they had been forced to do so. It would be unethical not to discuss the fact that life is useless, that life is inflicted on us for nothing, only for those who already exist, and for the societies of which we have become only pawns replacing pawns, dead for nothing and in suffering. It would not be ethical not to talk about the innocence of existing, the notion of "aresponsibility.” It is ethical to tell the truth. It is ethical to distribute the truth everywhere for the good of mankind. We should not be close to 8 billion, we should decrease the population quickly, voluntarily, kindly, jointly on the whole planet, and without pain, because it is enough not to make children, not to make suffer additional people, do not send them to death for nothing.
Argument 35: It is not ethical to educate a person by hiding the reality of who she is, the reasons she was procreated. It is not ethical to blame people who have not asked to exist, to hide from them that they have been forced to exist, therefore, that they are innocent to exist as they are, with physical and mental capacities that they have not asked for, of which they are not responsible. It is not ethical to punish after procreating those who are innocent of all their actions, since their brain is a black box that works by itself, and they have been educated by impregnation in a world they have not desired, by educators they have not desired, and mental functions that were imposed on them. The brain is a white book at birth and it fills with what is in front of the eyes, the ears, in front of all the systems of perception of the person. The procreated person has nothing to do with his own functionalities nor how his brain will handle this information.
Argument 36: It is not ethical to be free to constrain. Free to constrain to exist, free to constrain to liberty, relative freedom since the person will be emancipated, if it holds until then, after having executed approximately 1/4 of its life, at least in the West. How did people come to say, "Long live life! And "long live freedom!" Since it is contradictory. How can one imagine that one wants to perpetuate the human species, the human adventure, and "impose" existence? To "impose" existence is not an ethical act, since to exist is not a freely consented act.
Argument 37: Is it ethical to impose to exist if only one person lives in distress, if a person suffers, even only one among billions? But it is far from being the case, it is billions of people who suffer or have suffered, even you the reader has suffered or you will suffer in one way or another. Is it ethical to impose one's vision of the world on someone you know you will be able to fool because he was born with a virgin brain of all cultural notions, such as a white book?
Argument 38: We (the French) are a society, the term is used 30 times in the French Constitution, it means that we are partners to manage a territory, and as in any business, partners have the right to manage jointly the input of additional associates. The State therefore has the right to legislate on procreation.
Argument 39: To use again a sentence that I quoted in the introduction of the topic: "Procreation serves only those that already exist" demonstrates that it is not ethical to procreate. "Nobody controls this procreation" also shows that procreation is not ethical. "Once suffering is created how to undo it" once again demonstrates that procreation is not ethical. If procreation had the slightest utility, and a utility infinitely greater than the misery and the suffering engendered, perhaps one could discuss it, but no, to procreate is useless, because to exist is absurd. To seek to continue one's existence in well-being is quite normal, but to impose existence, when it is hard to achieve it for oneself, is totally unethical. And often procreation is done to heal a personal psychopathology that is transmitted to his descendant in a perfect circle totally vicious.
Argument 40: Can one be judge and jury and have an unambiguous ethic? That is to say, in the case of the ethics of procreation, can we be ethical on this topic and have children?
Argument 41: It is not a matter of voting whether it is ethical or not to procreate, it is only a question of argumentation. But if a woman finds it too risky to procreate, there is no reason for men to intervene to deliberate on the decision of this woman who is strictly personal. A loving man cannot ask his wife to take this risk, which is very high according to world statistics and even very high in France, he should even dissuade her.
Argument 42: Humanity has no other problem to solve than the end of the suffering of each individual. The end of the world is not a problem. The end of the species is not a problem. The end of civilization is not a problem. The end of a society or of any human society is not a problem. But the suffering of an individual is a problem since no one is bound to exist of himself. If parents allow themselves to produce children with disabilities, and other disadvantages to exist, without it causing them the slightest existential concern before engendering, why those who make profession of slavery (capitalists, warriors, and rulers of all kinds) would they worry in promoting servitude, suffering, violence, war?
Argument 43: Human beings will never find any political system guaranteeing them freedom and equality for the simple reason that they have all been forced to exist and fabricated in a totally random way. All humans are unaware of it, but all are intimately marked of it. The initiation of our existence is neither free nor equal, it cannot be and can never be. We are born slaves of our parents, and of society since we serve it almost as soon as we are conceived, whether we wanted it or not.
Argument 44: By what right (according to your human rights legislated by you all) do you fabricate a person, a sensitive and conscious person, your equal, your equal who can suffer and who will die? Do you like, for yourself, the idea of suffering and dying? Do you like slavery? Why are you looking for immortality and health when you are risking engendering suffering from procreation? Where did your empathy and imagination go, even though it is the child you want to conceive?
Argument 45: Until today babies do not count. They are not people. They have no voice to defend themselves. The children are procreated to serve. Society does not defend them. No law manages procreation. On the contrary, procreation without control makes the world, and come what may. To change our worldview we need to give a lot more importance to new people. The State cannot manage, must not manage, procreation statistically. The sovereign state is not our king. People are important, all, everyone, one by one. We have to count the people, but not as we count the blades of grass. A person can be "made" only if the conditions that you, the parents, grant him, that you impose on him, are favorable in all respect, if not, don't bring her into the world, or in our world. She did not ask to exist. She did not accept the invitation.
Argument 46: Life is not a gift nor a present, it is a constraint made by others. We are manufactured as we manufacture a vehicle. A vehicle is not a gift for itself but for its manufacturer. It's the same for us, all of us. We serve the ideas of our manufacturer, our manufacturers, and their associates or their accomplices according to the point of view.
Argument 47: If all parents wanted to admit that their own child is innocent to exist. If all parents wanted to admit that the child of the other is as innocent to exist as their own child. If all parents wanted to admit that they themselves are the children of their parents and that is so with all human beings. If all the parents wanted to admit the innocence of existing of everyone on this Earth, perhaps they could perceive the world in another way than aggressive, perhaps they could forget the suspicion, perhaps could they lend a helping hand to the other innocent people who populate this world! I ask you to consider that each of us is a guest to treat with respect.
Argument 48: I, the author E. Berlherm, of most of these arguments, I put no violence in my arguments, yet I could do it, what's stopping me? My rationalism! But the others, all these others who are violent in the world, are they not expressing their disgust with the life they have been offered? Those who are more slavers than others, all those billionaires who accumulate money at the expense of the poor who do not have the mental resource to make their way in life. What is ethics in procreation if life is random, if the sensitive and conscious people are forced to endure what the powerful, the well endowed with life, impose on them? I was propelled into a vegetable garden (France, the Earth), and it's not even a well-kept garden, but cluttered with brambles, nettles, bellicose human animals, and the gardener does not want me to crush his tomatoes! Why should I contain my violence against him and his accomplices, the person responsible for my suffering, my fears, my troubles? By fear ! I who speak to you, I do nothing because I hope that one day you will be sensitive to my words. And that humans cannot be turned away from violence by violence…
Argument 49: If a company made a diving suit with 10% risk that it breaks down during diving, the suit would be removed from the sale and the business condemned. If you make a child, there is a lot more than 10% risk for him to be born disabled or become disabled during his life, but the law says nothing. And everyone feels sorry for the poor mother who took the huge risk of fabricating him while she does not master anything! It's up to the child to complain, where is his lawyer?
Argument 50: Mental torture is certainly not ethical, but exposing someone to possible physical suffering, to death with certainty, is mental torture. The procreation of a human being is, of course, the fabrication of all his intellect, his fears, his terrors, all the mental torments that accompany existence. Procreate is not ethical.
Argument 51: If I consider life as a fatal slide, is not it normal for me to try to grab hold of everything within reach to slow down the slipping, to fight against the mad race, to avenge myself (simple law of retaliation) from the pushers (my parents and their social accomplices)? What would a violent man be responsible for reacting to this infinite violence that is his procreation? Why do we judge and punish a criminal who only applies violence infinitely less than that of his parents against himself?
Argument 52: If you find that procreation is ethical, then you will not have any problem with a dictator taking you to Mars and saying, "If you want to pursue your life, work, you have a choice! Unless he has you kidnapped at birth, in which case he will not have anything to say to you, you will find that quite natural, like the descendants of convicts in Australia or elsewhere. Moreover, according to the Christians, are we not all of the descendants of the convicts Adam and Eve, expelled manu militari from paradise, whereas they themselves had not asked to exist with their imperfections in an imperfect world?
Argument 53: If humans were naturally ethical beings, there would be no need to recall human rights, there would be no need to write them. Humans need to be educated, oriented, because their first reaction is always their own benefit in a competitive system, and that is why we must talk about the lack of ethics that is procreation. And you have to put it on Human Rights. This should be in the preamble.
Argument 54: What is ethics in procreation since any animal does it? What is ethical about setting up your own child in an animal world? What is the ethic for humanity to multiply disproportionately without taking into account the well-being of the child? What is ethical to think only of yourself when you procreate? It is an animal act, but not a thought act, an intelligent act.
Argument 55: Is it ethical to never confess to one's child that we have put him before the fait accompli to exist to serve parents and societies? Is it ethical to distort all world education and culture? To deceive one's child is to deceive oneself, and to deceive humanity. It is not ethical not to tell him the truth about the constraint of existing, therefore about the innocence of the existing, therefore about the innocence of one's actions.
Argument 56: A child does not belong to his parents, so where is the ethic in the fabricating of a person? We are all fabricated without any mastery with great variations of potential and physical and intellectual qualities. But if we do not belong to anyone, how can those who manufacture us miss us? How are they allowed to fabricate us, with untold suffering? Because these sufferings, this system of pain, are part of the fabricating... How since we do not belong to them can they impose us suffering and death? How since we belong to no one, can society impose on us our conduct, the purchase of our body, the purchase of our health, the purchase of our welfare, and even the purchase of our own death selling us our coffin?
Argument 57: Is it ethical to claim that one loves one's child while one has done it for oneself, to pass the time, out of pure selfishness, because one does not know what one could do well of his life, if not forcing someone else to endure that same life and maybe even a much worse life?
Argument 58: There is no reason for existence. Life is absurd. To inflict pain and death to someone sensitive, conscious, intelligent for nothing is certainly not ethical.
Argument 59: As soon as a woman procreates, her body is under social supervision, and after 12 weeks (in France) her body no longer belongs to her since she is forbidden to abort. It seems to me that it is far more serious to deprive a woman of her body than to forbid her to procreate. It is not ethical to procreate, but it would be ethical to manage procreation, and perfectly legitimate in the sense of Human Rights.
Argument 60 – ext. - Jean-Marie D. - April 25, 2018, at 23:11: It is certain that the sexual act is an act that should not be taken lightly, which has consequences and that we must not do to satisfy his selfishness. Civil society has to more empower men because they suffer little from the consequences of this act, even prosecute them when they refuse to assume it. Otherwise, compensate or help the mother. It is not necessary to kill the poor child who has nothing to do with it.
Argument 61: When we put another person before a fait accompli that has an extremely serious impact on the person, we are certainly not an ethical being. To put a person before the fait accompli of existence is certainly not ethical, it is criminal, and totally perverse when in addition one tells him wacky stories (religious or other) on the reasons for its existence.
Argument 62: When a man and a woman are liking each other, one asks the other: "Do you want to share my life? The answer of the other will depend on what will be proposed to him: "It depends, what do you propose to me? What life are we going to lead together? When a child is brought into the world, the question is not asked. The child is not considered to be a person in its own right. He is faced with the fait accompli of existence, whatever the conditions. As well in a slum, a low-income housing, any kind of bazaar, and even an igloo. That unemployment reigns and misery does not change anything. And not to mention the era, prehistory of animal conditions, overcrowded middle age and no hygiene, civil war, total war, revolution, bombing, falling heads, blood flowing freely. Procreation without ethics is without limit. The child is not a person, it is an object that will become a servant if it is well formatted.
Argument 63: To make a child is not a right, it is an animal power, imposed by our own procreators, and that we pass like a baton. Nobody orders us to procreate. And if we were ordered, it would be the slavery of which we would have the right to free ourselves. In fact, we are slaves of our bodies, therefore of our procreators. It is not ethical to impose suffering and death. At a minimum, we have a duty to think about it, to think about the ethics of simply procreating, and even more about the ethics of procreating en masse.
Argument 64: To make an imperfect child, to educate him imperfectly, to throw him into an imperfect world, more than imperfect, since dangerous, is certainly not ethical. To punish him (and even to kill him) for his imperfect behavior due to an existence he did not ask for is certainly not ethical.
Argument 65: There is no gender equality in procreation. A man does not wear the child. A man cannot abort while a woman can do it without the consent of the man. A woman is (theoretically) a mistress of what enters her body and a mistress of what comes out of it. A woman can mistreat the embryo and the fetus through her diet and her behavior without the society being able to say anything about it, and the child can be born malformed, handicapped, because of the behavior of the mother. The (French) law says that « Nul ne peut se prévaloir d’un préjudice du seul fait de sa naissance. » (Article L114-5 ) ("No one can claim harm by the mere fact of his birth.") But a child can be mistreated by his mother because of his harmful behavior while carrying it, and even by his father who can transmit an STD, AIDS (not to mention the unhealthy genes, or the unhealthy genetic combinations). A mother may be punished if she abuses her child after birth, but not before birth. What is ethics in this law, which is a law made by the healthy ones? The existing ones propel us into their unhealthy jungle and we would have nothing to say about this violence? Existing propel us on their fatal slide and we would have nothing to say against this ultraviolence? Why? What is ethical about the constraint of existence of a person by another person under any conditions
Argument 66: Procreate is not an innocuous act that can be treated in an offhand manner. Procreate is the most important act of the world for a human being. So, if there is indeed an act that must be legislated, it is this one. When we involve another person without his agreement in an action, the action to exist and these immense perils, obviously that society must legislate, obviously that the representative of the society that is the State must legislate. Procreate must be legislated, at least to ensure that the new person will live in the welfare, otherwise, it is useless to invite this new person to rub shoulders with a foolish society that does not care about her.
Argument 67: Procreation is the mother of all crimes and for that alone it is not ethical to procreate, even if in itself it was not multiple crimes together. People only care about ethics when it affects them personally and with violence. The fact that their own existence is not the result of an ethical act does not seem to bother them. Few people wonder about the constraint of existence, and almost none have realized the innocence of existing and therefore the innocence of their actions. The ethics of procreation is like the ethics of the death penalty, since it is its mother, it is up to the State to take the lead.
Argument 68: Procreation is an animal act, but certainly not an intelligent act. We are augmented animals who invented ethics. Ethics does not exist in animals. That one does work of intelligence for this act which is the most important of all the human acts seems essential. If the individuals are what they are with the IQ and the intelligence that chance has granted them, on the other hand, the legislator who is theoretically a set of people having an IQ and wisdom higher than average, must control this procreation. It is his duty to legislate on the topic. A child cannot be made by simple animal urge and integrated into a world that is not healthy, while no one controls the manufacturing and thus the health and well-being of this future person. The society must be able to receive it correctly, and remedy all the defects of its manufacture (its birth handicaps and its future handicaps). A child must be our guest, the guest of his parents and society, with the control of society. If making a child serve the child, and not only parents and society, then the (forced) invitation that has been issued to him must compensate for our shortcomings, our faults, our mistakes. His life must be interesting, always, otherwise don't invite him. It is only on this basis that a child must be procreated.
Argument 69: There is the point of view of the morality of procreation by those who wonder whether they have the right to procreate, but there is especially the point of view of the procreated human being, and it is the only one which counts for him. All procreate persons have the right to hold accountable to their procreators and their social accomplices who have authorized his procreation. And calling to account or revenge by the law of retaliation can go a long way. We could all be Hitlers quite legitimately. As long as there is immorality in the treatment of a person, that person will have the legitimate right to behave just as immorally. "I exist by immoral procreation, I have the right to treat the world immorally." This assertion shows that there will never be peace in the midst of conscious beings, and supposed intelligent, as long as they procreate, that is, as long as they exist.
Argument 70: Law of retaliation: if you make your child blind (by birth, if you make him blind in your belly) has he the right to do the same? Can he gouge your eyes by the law of retaliation? Is it ethical to take the risk of creating your child blind, deaf, or other kindness on the part of the procreators, your part? Is it ethical that society, aware of this problem that has been happening daily since life exists, lets this filthy act of making suffering, malaise, indigence, debility, etc., since she is conscious of that? The procreators are responsible for the diseases and fragility that they "give voluntarily" to their children through their ovum and sperm, as well as by the intrauterine construction which is due to the mother, since they know all these frailties and morbid possibilities inherent in life. Parents are also responsible for the future life of their child since they know the world in which they throw their child, into this random world.
Argument 71: To try to procreate is basically to want a child, but in very many cases it is not children who come out of the womb, they are aborted fetuses. That is, they are not considered by society as human beings. They are not treated as such. These are just disposable objects, in the true sense of the word. This means that the product of procreation is often a simple object without family and social interest. The worst is that after this kind of adventure, women have seen the major risk out of their womb, they do not even realize that there can be any intermediary between these aborted fetuses and the best child possible longed for. What is the ethic after having procreated an aborted fetus or even a handicapped child to procreate another by "hoping" that it does not happen again? It is an absolute crime that women commit daily in the world.
Argument 72: It is enough for one person to say that life is irrelevant to confirm that it is not ethical to procreate, because it is not the normal well-being which counts, since it is due to us, but the ill-being of only one.
Argument 73: 1) Procreation is immoral in itself because one manufactures a person without asking for his opinion, one puts it before the fait accompli of existence. We give him the injunction "Exist! "
2) It is immoral not to master the fabrication of this person who is supposed to be our equal but to whom we cannot even affirm when we launch his procreation that it will be physically and intellectually our equal.
3) It is immoral to offer suffering and death.
4) It is immoral to throw it into this bellicose, insane world.
5) It is immoral to deceive her, to fool her, to educate her by asking her to respect this world as if it were moral to respect immoral parents and an immoral society.
6) It is immoral to tell her that she has been "given life,” and to compel her to "earn a living.”
Argument 74: I notice that on all the arguments against, none claims that procreation is ethical. And in fact, the arguments proposed are not against. But should not ethics in all areas be respected when one claims to be humanistic that it disturbs us more or less? Since I started this topic on the ethics of procreation, counting 350,000 babies a day, more than 4 per second, hundreds of thousands of children have been born to suffer to serve us. We are in a democracy of able-bodied, these unfortunate suffer too much to think and to claim. It is up to us to be empathetic and compassionate, they do not have time to think of oneself as simple collateral damage to our service. What service?
Argument 75: I must call to end this debate without debater (almost none), that we are all innocent to exist and therefore innocent of all our actions, that we are born white book and that it is, therefore, understandable that we find it difficult to extract us from the animal culture we are impregnated. Procreation is a social act, which adds a partner to the joint venture. But in any society, it is necessary the agreement of the partners to introduce an additional partner. There is, therefore, no reason for social logic for society not to legislate on this capital act. Which anyone would understand in a small island (management of the population, therefore of procreation), there is no reason that one cannot understand it for the island which is the Nation, and on the island which is the Earth? It is impossible to claim to be a humanist and to affirm that it is ethical to procreate. It is impossible to be humanistic and, knowing that unethical action is produced hundreds of thousands of times each day by human beings, to say nothing.
Argument 76: For procreation to be ethical, it would be necessary at least that life itself be ethical, however, it is not even. The beginning of life, the first 18 years are not worth inflicting under the slavery of our parents, the last years of life are also not worth being inflicted for the pain of our bodies and the pain of dying, and for many of us, on the planet, the whole of life is not worth the trouble at all. Regarding the last argument "against": the launching of procreation, that is to say the copulation and fertilization that sometimes follows, is part of procreation, this is how the topic that I launched must be understood, but the manufacture of the child in the womb as I already mentioned, can be botched by the mother (poor diet, drugs, alcohol, etc.). If procreation was not controllable, rape could not be prohibited by law.
Argument 77: Although I am 70 years old, respectable age whereas 56% of the humans born at the same time as me are already underground to count up daisies by the root, I have not yet discovered "ethical" argument" for procreation, that is to say, arguments which oppose the topic I have proposed. There are arguments for procreation, but they are not ethical. These are the arguments of the sustainability of the species, the pursuit of the human adventure, patriotism, the property of one's own body, the need for love, for the most part, are selfish and therefore unethical arguments. There is also that of "non-existence" that I do not really understand (see Rivka Weinberg's book). So I leave to those who have ethical arguments "for" procreation the care of producing them. Here, I settled for just to present some of mine without developing them, the essential argument being my inability to understand that a sensitive and conscious person can impose the suffering and the death of another person (that we will pretend to love after the fact, in general) whereas there was no obligation to force her to exist.
Arguments against:
F. - April 30, 2018, at 13:35: The procreation and the birth are not of the order of the technique of the controllable.
w. - April 23, 2018, at 19:32: Sophism, we are all absolutely equal before procreation, it requires a man and a woman, not a single man, not a single woman or a same-sex couple, but a man and a woman . The human being is sexed and it is neither you nor I who chose it, it is a fact and we are all equal before this fact. What you are asking for is not equality, but privileges. These privileges voluntarily deprive a child of the father and / or mother and falsely modified his parentage. Two women will never replace a man, just as two men will never replace a woman. The man and the woman are equal before the law, but complementary sexually and in life. Unless you are a totalitarian state, you cannot meddle with the privacy of people. What you are asking for is not private, society does not have to respond to all individual desires, and even less so when it goes against the rights of the child.
W. W.-O – April 23, 2018, at 17:56: T.: Oh yes? and why ban it in other cases?
Jean-Michel C. - April 11, 2018, at 16:10: Keep us from a tyrannical society in which the forbidden would be the rule and the permit the exception.
E. O. L. - April 6, 2018, at 20:54: @Too: ah yes? And why? After all, we are not animals.
T. - April 5, 2018, at 14:04: The State cannot forbid human beings to procreate when they are equipped with this ability to do so together and without the intervention of a technique or a third person.
List of proposed sources:
Book: Rivka Weinberg - Oxford University Press - "The Risk of a Lifetime: How, When, and Why Procreation Maybe Permissible?” Professor of Philosophy at the Scripps Women's College Los Angeles. And on this page: you will find a set of PDFs (in English) on the topic.Book: « L’art de guillotiner les procréateurs » (The art of guillotining the procreators) - Théophile de Giraud - Ed. La Mort qui trompe → One can be a deep thinker and have humor. If the topic disturbs you, read the book of Théophile de Giraud, his extraordinary humor and his talent as a writer softens the sauce.Book: « La procréation ne sert que ceux qui existent déjà » (procreation only serves those that already exist) - E. Berlherm - Ed. Atramenta? I try to understand why the suffering that reigns everywhere on Earth does not ask more questions to humans who pretend to be intelligent and of divine origin. Why not put an end to suffering simply by ceasing to procreate without pain for anyone, without the risk of dying?Book: « La sonate à Kreutzer » (The Kreutzer Sonata) - Leo Tolstoy "To preach the abstinence of childbirth so that the English lords can brag at their ease, it is allowed. To preach abstinence from childbirth under the pretext that one must take as much pleasure as possible is permissible; but dare to say that we must abstain from childbirth in the name of morality, my ancestors, what cries! … The danger that the human race will disappear because men wish no longer to be pigs."Article (In French) "For Rivka Weinberg, professor of philosophy at Scripps College, it is moral to have toddlers only if you had been ready, by putting yourself in their place, to accept living with all the risks of this world in which you bring them to life."Article Libération: (in French) - Ruwen Ogien - Making children is immoral and dangerous? "Is not this an immoral and dangerous act considering that our species is the most damaging on the planet because of the disastrous consequences of its actions on other species and the natural environment? "More formally, the reasoning is as follows: 1) Everything that is done to others without their consent is immoral. 2) When one makes children, it is necessarily without their consent. 3) It is immoral to have children."End – E. Berlherm
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