For there to be human, French for example, for the society to be sustainable, for the Nation to work, it is necessary to give birth. This nation needs, to exist, to constantly renew its "constituents-citizen" because a large number joined the kingdom of worms during the year. By nature, unfortunately, the fabrication of "associate-citizens" is not reliable. A high rate of babies does not pass the control of perfection, indeed the totality. But we have to do with it. The human contents himself with few to say that he is the most beautiful, the strongest, the most intelligent, and that, obviously, it is not difficult. The problem is those who are clearly missed, and as we have invented morality and rights, useless to think of getting rid of it, the law forbids it. These handicapped people are human, whatever we say. But why do not we hear them more, those miserable kids that clutter us, while they are so numerous, millions only in France?
Who runs faster, who has the biggest biceps, the biggest mouth? The healthy one, naturally! Who suffers, who hides his physical or mental misery from shyness or shame, who is dumb? Unhealthy one obviously!
Power belongs to the healthy ones. Too bad for others. You the unhealthy were manufactured to participate in the human adventure, the perpetuity of the species, the competition social and international, and also a little bit to please mom/dad. But only the healthy ones are amused or amused with that sometimes.
What kind of adventure? Are you happy with your painful adventures? Are you happy with your obstacle races to get your means of locomotion, your hospital beds, your home nurses, your drugs in an all-night drugstore? Bastards of disabled who dope themselves to take our places of healthy people!
What durability? The human species is not sustainable, because none is, since life is constantly evolving. And if there was a "human species", it would not run any danger with 8 billion people. Evolution, is not it a little bit progress? The wars we produce to show who is the best warrior nation certainly do not show the intelligence of the belligerents, and that produces handicaps in spades. We do not compete for an intellectual evolution, but for the best manufacturer of tools for extinguishing people and soil desertification.
What competition? The one between the partners. The one between the nations. But how could that not derail, such a system? Everything is done so that the battle ends according to the animal principle: the biggest predator gives up the place for lack of prey. The Petri dish is cleaned, nothing to consume, so no more consumers.
What pleasure? That of mom and dad who saw you crying as if it was not predictable that you could be born handicapped. It was certainly not for your pleasure that they made you because you had no way to refuse the invitation. Come! just like our genes will build you! Come! Frankenstein's little monster! Come on, slave!
But on the planet everyone is responsible according to the law, so you are responsible for your own disabilities, so you have to pay for it. You clutter the people. Why do you refuse to goose-step like everyone else? You are grains of sand in the clock. You're embarrassing them. This is probably why they forget you that they close their eyes and ears.
It is the active and healthy ones who make the laws. Have you ever seen parliamentarians in wheelchairs, in hospital beds? Probably one or two, and not very often since the Republic. Are the chairs of the Assembly made to welcome them? But what is the percentage of disabled people in the country? Who represents them? Should not there be the same percentage of disabled people in parliament as in the nation? Because disabled people have specific rights.
Are we not saying that there should be as many women as men in the government? Women with disabilities of their sexuality risking their lives when they procreate. Because "one" forgets this very big risk. By the way, do our mothers actually get a risk premium? But, to procreate, is this a need, a desire, a pleasure, a job, a duty, a power, an obligation, a personal or social necessity?
Do not pretend that the nation is a Fatherland, if you leave the least of your fellow citizens in the shit, if you authorize the fabrication of disabled (by birth). Fatherland is not my mother, it is my general-in-chief of the armies of the Republic. It's my taxman. It's my boss. Fatherland is not a democracy since he is sovereign, king of a sovereign nation. Why should I call Fatherland the Nation who screwed me into shit?
Do not pretend to be humanistic if you put your child at risk, a risk that you would certainly not have taken for yourself. A humanist does not put others at risk, he does not make children and even less to install in this grotesque world. The one who makes a child is an "animalist". And if you are a humanist, how can you impose your goals on me, that is to say, compel me to exist (fabricate me) to include myself in your system by putting myself before the fait accompli to exist? Oars up, galley slave, it's my adventure and it's the one I'm imposing on you.
Your parents owe you the absolute perfection of your body, of your intellect, and the world in which they install you, in which they invite you. Yet they have gratified you with all your imperfections, all your physical and mental defects, and this nightmarish world.
The democracy of the healthy ones is like the democracy of the cities, the most numerous impose their laws on the minorities. When two cities decide to build a highway to connect them, the peasants on the route have little hope of opposing the declaration of public utility. But the peasants feeding the urban, they have to fear only urban recklessness. This is not the case with the unhealthy ones, they are dependent on society without having asked to be one since they did not ask to exist for parental and social service. Their disabilities are collateral damage from the war of life against life. The healthy ones consider themselves lucky to have escaped the numerous handicaps that procreation reserves as a gift to every new living being.
Once he has escaped bad luck, the healthy one no longer thinks of it. Or rather, he often has a strong reaction towards the handicapped, as if he reproached him for existing. Children and idiots have this very rejection reaction. They insult, mock, sarcasm when they do not throw the stone. The older ones seem to think: why don't you suicide? Why do you endure this miserable life? Why do you ruin my landscape by your presence? Why do you show me that I could have been twisted? Why do you remind me that I can become like you? Why do I have to pay taxes for your livelihood? Why do you clutter my fatal toboggan?
The current democracy is an Athenian-type democracy, the democracy of the haves. Those who are healthy. Those who take advantage of their physical and mental good fortune to add a double penalty to the wretches, that of being able to enrich themselves without any other merit than the fate which has temporarily fed them with approximate well-being. And the unhealthy slaves who bear the weight of their faulty inheritance. They have relieved the healthy ones of the burden of the handicaps that they get stuck with all day long. The disabled are the dockers of misfortune.
Democracy is a system of relations between humans supposedly free and equal in a given territory when they are too numerous to agree without a legalized and controlled management of their actions.
You, the disabled ones, do not you feel harm at the base? Reduction of your fundamental freedoms and of birth equality. From your first breath, the democracy of the healthy ones tricks you. They will not ask you if you are happy to exist and of your disabilities. Why would they? Your disabilities are normal since it has always been so. It's Nature, it's like that, it's imperfect. In the old days, the animals would have eaten you. But since it's natural and normal, gently accept your fate. You're not going to, in addition to your bad life, boring the healthy ones, for they support your daily hell? Them, they have a Nation, a clock, to run... It is already good that they grant you the minimum vital. Do not ask too much.
The unhealthy one is like a sacrificed on the altar of the Nation in favor of the healthy one. For the Nation France to obtain its seven hundred thousand more or less healthy ones a year, it is necessary to launch the manufacture of eight hundred thousand babies.
Do you not hear, Lady and Gentleman Healthy, the unanimous cry of grief of the billions of unhealthy ones you procreated to satisfy your personal desires? Once you have fabricated a suffering being, how to undo the suffering?
End – E. Berlherm