Human migration is the fact of moving more or less far from a place of residence, to go live shorter or longer on another stage of the world. There are two reasons for migration, migration by intellectual curiosity and migration by necessity.
Any law controlling immigration is illegitimate and therefore illegal, because it excludes human rights, and above all, it excludes rationalism.
If migration by intellectual curiosity is healthy, migration by necessity is against all reason. Humanity, which has the voluntary choice and the freedom not to add an additional member to the world population, produces exactly the opposite in all knowledge. The world is overpopulated with humans all seeking a meaning for their existence. Yet no one is forced to make a child who will have to ask questions about the reason and even the necessity of existence while his parents have not found this reason. This is the case everywhere on Earth since always, hence the religious inventions.
Any law controlling immigration is illegitimate and therefore illegal, because it excludes human rights, and above all, it excludes rationalism.
If migration by intellectual curiosity is healthy, migration by necessity is against all reason. Humanity, which has the voluntary choice and the freedom not to add an additional member to the world population, produces exactly the opposite in all knowledge. The world is overpopulated with humans all seeking a meaning for their existence. Yet no one is forced to make a child who will have to ask questions about the reason and even the necessity of existence while his parents have not found this reason. This is the case everywhere on Earth since always, hence the religious inventions.
To manufacture a child is to manufacture a person randomly and without any mastery, therefore infinitely dangerous for the child; and also for the mother, but she is supposed to have acted voluntarily and freely, although I doubt it since free will is impossible. The child is another person, he has not asked to exist, let alone in a slum, because the Earth is like a slum, and there are constantly unpleasant encounters. Humans are warlike, violent, vindictive, uncontrollable.
You do not know how to make or educate a human and yet you do it without shame. You know only how to copulate stupidly, and one did not even need to teach it to you; it is an almost irrepressible act as addictive as a drug, but much more dangerous because it involves others.
To make a human is to make an extra fighter. Why does our pseudo-intelligence push us to make warriors, competitors, rather than intellectuals and hedonists, people who would benefit from life rather than suffer? Does the human adventure have to be dangerous to be interesting? And if I did not choose this danger of existing, this violence inherent in life, why do I have to endure them if I am a free being?
Millions of people migrate out of necessity. The reasons for this migration are known they are, persecution, violence at home or in the country, misery, war, unemployment, politics, dictatorship, or simply the need for freedom, the need to breathe something else less harmful intellectually, or the real pollution in the ugliness of cities. We all know these kinds of human behaviors that we all can experience. So why impose on a child, another person, to live in these conditions? Why not make your child in heaven rather than in this earthly hell?
There are even thousands of children born with disabilities who cannot migrate out of their bodies, and, in my opinion, it is even less permissible, because to make a handicapped child is to consider people as objects that can be modeled at leisure in the service of the manufacturer, and who can be born thus without being compensated to exist for nothing, only to suffer. They are not collateral damage, they are sensitive humans like you, but that is how you consider them. Is that how you consider yourself? You launch its manufacture Madame, like a Frankenstein, and too bad for him this piece of junk.
These are people you have made or let for your personal needs, and the social needs of forming a society that was originally used to protect individuals, not society. This is a vicious circle, since society has needed for thousands of years to protect itself from other societies, hence the need, she thinks, to increase the number of associates and therefore correlatively the number of disabled people, which is stupid. Disabled people are slaves of society that are useless if not to enrich the medics and marabouts. You have cruelly given birth to social pawns that Human Rights command you to protect while they live a life of suffering for nothing. Making a disabled person is out of Human rights.
Many people are made for a selfish need of offspring, but they are not required to stay close to parents or in society. So what was the reason for their fabrication, for their output of the nil, to last painfully such a tiny fraction of eternity that it worth zero?
Why nagging us to have a personal purpose in life if it is to enclose us in borders, in custom and religions, if it is to educate us according to principles that are those of the existing ones? Why are you fabricating us intolerant of others, while we are others ourselves, for these others?
Migration by necessity cannot be a goal of life. Why make us with a stomach to fill daily if it is to make us slaves to this imperative need to survive, therefore social slaves? Why make us with a body and a fragile health if it is to install us unprotected among bullies who have no consideration for us?
Besides, what can you say, what can you reproach these brutes who themselves did not ask to exist and therefore have the right to have their opinion on this world which was imposed on them, what they do not fail to show us violently?
The world is so overpopulated with indigents, which is the real overpopulation, that obviously the forms of receptions of destitutes are rather severe. There are the repressed at the borders, the austere and barbed reception camps, the prisons, the inhospitable islands (in Australia for example), some are sent home, others are famished hoping that they find elsewhere better home, they are displaced, exploited, slaves at home or in business, sexually abused, moonlighting workers, and many other kindness of reception at the whim of the imagination of a vicious fabricated and poorly educated to embellish our life.
Did you ask to exist to support that? Personally no, I do not even appreciate the relatively quiet life so far that I am leading towards its goal known to almost all, death both expected and unexpected. But what will my bones do with all this knowledge acquired about the universe, including humanity?
No god exists, and this is demonstrable by the obligation to exist, but if a god made you rational, it is to be so and not to be a stupid believer, so be rational, be rationalist please, it's much better to get along with anyone on the planet. Give a neutral and rationalistic education to the one you have made for your pleasure, it will be more likely to be grateful for that, after asking you what kind of whim you took the risk of making it.
When the migrant has made the decision to go far away from home to this best unknown world he dreams of, several possibilities are available to him and according to his financial means. In general it crosses one or more borders. His parents and the society that made him, to serve those same parents and society, are not able to provide him with the interesting, healthy, and long life that is his due. So, why did you throw it into this insane world?
And often these children go abroad to feed the family back home. It's called mental manipulation, and really sordid slavery. Why feel obliged to feed those who offer you this life of misery? This comes from a simple mental mechanism that psychologists call "Stockholm Syndrome". Your parents are the kidnappers, you are their hostage, and as you are born virgins of all knowledge and cultural significance, well it is easy to make you swallow anything. No need to wash your brain, it is washed in construction, perfectly white, immaculate. The culture of the parental environment is your cultural software in the center of which they have settled (it is more practical and this is called impregnation), and it is very difficult to question this culture. But do not take revenge on your parents and their associates, they themselves are the result of the same fabrication and erroneous education, some of which escape by chance.
Don't be mad at the slave-traffickers, violent and bestial, they are also pure products of the society, also born virgins of information on the world and manufactured by their associated parents of their own society. They are innocent to exist, just like you the migrant. Innocent of their corporal and intellectual material, and of everything else, culture, society, universe. They live in this world botched by money and blind slaver capitalism. They are the dominant animals of which you are the dominated, tentatively it is to be hoped, by undesirable necessity. Then they benefit as the animals that we are by nature, because their own society is inefficient since incompetent to prevent them from harming and to rescue you.
Migration by necessity at the risk of dying is an effect of overpopulation of suffering, the refusal to accept migrants is an effect of overpopulation of human mental misery of the inhabitants of the host country. Local overpopulation has always existed. This local overpopulation has become global. There is overpopulation of misery when one agrees to make a single human being who is likely to suffer. What is the use of spawning a child if it is to offer him a life of shit when he did not ask to exist. If today's politicians accept the misery of migrants, it is because they make children shamelessly and therefore have no compassion for the children of others that they watch rotting on the spot for nothing. We are all responsible for the existence of everyone as soon as we let this stupid reproduction of humans in the garbage can be done without saying anything.
Ladies and gentlemen the rulers of the world, your system is not efficient, see where we are. The continuity of the State makes you complicit with your predecessors throughout the centuries. You must have a very low IQ, and a very high Aggressiveness Quotient (QA), because your wars, that have ruined our lives in the 20th century, caused more deaths than there were inhabitants 2000 years ago. And there is still no agreement between you.
The solution is simple: help the development of countries as if they were an annex of the richest, education, reception of people, integration, drastic reduction of the population and all your problems will be solved (the relative misery of a few billion wealthy today is less serious than the next to come, the misery of the descendants by tens of billions). Do it! We have had enough of having to exist to suffer on your account and this stupid life.
The right to asylum is compulsory in all cases. Why? Because it is not a right of asylum, it is a duty of reception. The world does not belong to anyone, we all have the right to go wherever we want on Earth. This is the freedom we all want, our countries (a few lines arbitrarily drawn on a map by thieving owners) are not prisons. We are all innocent to exist.
The obligation to exist is unanimous all over the planet, in all countries, so that we are all accomplices of the existence of all, and I specify accomplices, you had probably understood why.
Human culture has been common and globalized forever and even more so today, we are all indebted to all the ancestors of every person existing now for their participation in human culture, and we must all pay royalties to all, that is, to share the common human wealth.
In this regard, money will never be a system of wealth sharing, because it is mechanically a means of slavery by pyramidal mechanical accumulation well managed by the owners, so we must find a way to get rid of it.
A gift is made to a friend who exists. Life is not a gift for one who is made with enormous risks for him, but a gift that is selfishly made by the manufacturer, the mother and possibly the father, but especially the society that receives it, this slave pawn, this substitute, this stopgap, without absolutely any risk.
You are necessary to society, without the individuals she does not exist, but you are not considered necessary, the society waits without risk that you show your abilities that the associates, your parents, have conceived themselves. You have to make your own place in the world by "merit". What "merit" must be sought for that which has been made and educated by existing ones since it is the result of unwanted fabrication and education?
End – E. Berlherm